While growing up, many of us would probably be familiar with the insatiable curiosity and playful glee that so many children are prone to experiencing. All of the world can seem to be one big playground, and if left unchecked, these children can get themselves into some pretty sticky (and sometimes, expensive) situations. Which is exactly what happened to one netizen’s children after she had left them to play in the front porch of their family home recently.
Curious M’sian boy washes mother’s Honda Civic RS with broom
In a post shared by ZT Ztthy last Sunday (July 24th 2022) to the Dashcam Owners Malaysia Facebook community group, she shows how three of her children were allowed to spend the afternoon cooling off in a makeshift pool.

At the time, her brand-new Honda Civic RS sedan was parked right in-front of her children, with the car’s dashboard camera being left on 24-hour parking surveillance mode.

While all appeared to be well initially, her toddler son then turned his attention to the car, thinking that it would be a good idea to give it a little wash seeing as they aready had water on hand. So by grabbing a bright-blue watering can, he promptly got to work drenching the bonnet of the Civic with water, before reaching for a broom covered in sharp, plastic bristles to scrub it clean.
His mischief left a maze of scratches on the bonnet
As one can expect, the abrasiveness of the broom led to a number of scratches to appear on the bonnet of the car, leaving it covered in razor-thin streaks of white where the paint was stripped off.

In speaking with Wau Post, she told us that her husband had to bring their car in to a detailing studio for polishing, with hopes that it would lessen the appearance of the scratches but to no avail. They then sent the Civic in to have the entire bonnet area wrapped in black, which she said they had intended to do to begin with to make the car look sportier.
While she did initially grumble at her son’s antics and he refused to speak for a day after the incident, she said that she is no longer mad over his mischief.
“My son still continues to eat 5 times a day and gets fed his milk every two hours,” she added.
In total, she spent around RM380+ (RM1xx for polishing and RM280 for the bonnet to be wrapped) to have her car repaired, and said that she may consider spraying a new coat of paint down the road.
Netizen reactions have been amused, with many telling her not to reprimand the young boy for his good intentions despite his poor choice in method.

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