Have you watched the latest Netflix series, Squid Game? Well, if you are living on Earth surely you’ve heard about it. Don’t want to be left out but don’t have 10 hours to spare? Fret not, we’ve got your back so read this! Also, if you are a fan of nail art and Squid Game, keep on reading!
Maniqure Introduced Squid Game Inspired Nail Arts Album
This popular series has taken social media at an alarming rate. Scroll through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – you’ll definitely come across at least one Squid Game content. Moreover, many things are inspired by Squid Game nowadays like tracksuits, name cards, financial aid packages, and even nail arts! Yes! Look at these adorable press-on nails by Maniqure:
1. The Playful Yet Terrifying Games

2. Gotta Get That 45.6billion Won On Your Nails

3. Which Character Would You Be If You Were In Squid Game?

4. Perfect For Spooky October!

They Are All Press-On Nails!

So thankful that they are all press-on. So, we can keep those tears from falling – since we can reuse them multiple times instead of wiping these beautiful arts! Oh, did I mention that it’s FREE shipping within Malaysia & if you WIN 2 out of 3 games, you can get one for FREE? Make sure to read the terms & conditions first, okay? Order here for worldwide shipping. That is all, bye!
Link(s): Website | Facebook | Instagram
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