Loving grandfather modifies stool so his 2yo down syndrome grandson can learn how to walk

Raising a child is never easy, especially if the child is experiencing difficulties in learning. In a loving effort to help his grandson, this Malaysian grandfather has decided to modify a stool, helping him learn how to walk.

Loving grandfather modifies stool so his 2yo grandson can learn how to walk

According to a TikTok video posted by @madahmawaddahh0, she shared how patient her son’s grandfather is, in teaching him how to walk. Speaking to Wau Post, Mada shared that his son has been diagnosed with down syndrome and is now over 2 years old. Due to his condition, he has yet to learn how to walk.

“The doctor was quite shocked to find out that Haider has yet to learn how to walk”, she mentioned.

Haider is currently 2 years old and diagnosed with down syndrome. In a loving attempt to help him learn how to walk. his grandfather has made a rotating walking device to help him learn. Source: Mada Mawaddah (TikTok)
Haider is currently 2 years old and diagnosed with down syndrome. In a loving attempt to help him learn how to walk. his grandfather has made a rotating walking device to help him learn.
Source: Mada Mawaddah (TikTok)

Feeling sad about Haider’s condition, his grandfather then decided to make a walking device, using thrown-out items around the house. Using a rotating stool, Haider’s grandfather added a wood handle to help hold up a tablet on the stool. Mada shared that this was an important part because it’s one of the best ways to distract Haider.

When asked how she was able to capture the loving moment, Mada shared that she and her husband are in a long-distance relationship. In order to update her husband their son’s progress she would often record their shared moments. On top of that, Haider’s atok has created a few inventions, which includes bed guards, bathing areas, washout spots as well as his clothes rack.

Haider's grandfather creating a walking device to help him learn how to walk. Source: Mada Mawaddah (TikTok)
Haider’s grandfather creating a walking device to help him learn how to walk.
Source: Mada Mawaddah (TikTok)

“His love for Haider is to the brim and while his inventions may seem ordinary to many, I know it comes out of love”, she said.

Such a sweet gesture from Haider’s atok. We’re certain that Haider is able to feel the love is surrounded with! 

Watch the video below:


Selama hari ini, bukan dia taknak berjalan. Dia tak boleh berjalan😭 Takpe baby. Kita usaha sama-sama, ya!💪 #babydownsyndrome #ASDvsVSD #hirschprungswarrior #journeyumihaiderluthfan #alhamdulillahforeverything @Hzaine

♬ Nikmati Perjalanannya – Chintya Gabriella

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