Just recently, a Malaysian man has made headlines after graduating from his tertiary education. Suffering from a nerve condition since he was born, Muhammad Abdullah had to learn how to adapt to life with a wheelchair.
Differently abled M’sian man graduates from his tertiary education
Hailing from Gerik, Perak, Muhammad Abdullah has decided to leave his home and continue his studies in Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT). Upon completing his studies, Abdullah shared that a big part of his success in finishing his diploma in marketing was because of the support system he has.

Source: Sinar Harian
“I made really good friends throughout the course and I’m grateful that they would always include me in their group projects”, he said.
He also mentioned how considerate and kind his friends were, making sure that activities they’re about to be involved in is suitable for him.
As he collects his certificate on stage, the 24-year-old fresh graduate couldn’t help but feel a slight sense of sadness as his parents weren’t able to be present at his convocation ceremony. Unfortunately, his dad had passed away back in 2015 due to old age, while his mother passed due to organ failure back in 2018.

Source: Sinar Harian
Regardless of the trials and turbulences he had to go through, especially having to deal with the loss of his parents at a young age, Abdullah expressed how proud he was of himself.
“While they’re not here to witness this moment, I want to dedicate my success towards them”, he mentioned.
Congratulations Muhammad Abdullah, you should be proud of your achievements, given the circumstances.
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