While restrictions across the country may gradually be lifted over the course of the past few months, Malaysia is by no means far beyond the worst of the COVID pandemic. With daily cases still in the 5,000 mark, we are all reminded to continue abiding by the necessary Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in a bid to curb the steady rise of infectivity rates.
Potential COVID surge may allegedly take place in December
And that would only appear to be further corroborated by a stark, but honest warning that was issued by a local doctor here recently over Twitter. According to Dr Azfar Kamal, who currently works with Hospital Sungai Buloh, a well-known designated COVID hospital since the early stages of the pandemic, Malaysia may already be on the precipice of a brand-new wave of infections that is expected to hit this December.

This would mean that in just two weeks, daily case numbers are expected to increase, as hospital staff members are already hard at work making the necessary preparations to take on new COVID admissions. But what is also equally worrying is that according to Dr Azfar, the ICU wards of Hospital Sungai Buloh are now allegedly at full capacity.
“Wards and Intensive Care Units are once again filled with COVID-19 patients in Categories 4 and 5.” he Tweeted.
MOH has conducted tabletop simulations to test crisis responses
He further adds that Malaysians need to continue to abide by strict SOPs and maintain personal hygiene habits at all times. This is in addition to attending your booster shot appointments as soon as they are made available. However, upon the Tweet going viral, Dr Azfar was reportedly instructed to take it down, in fears that his honest may incite panic among the public.

He continues to remain resolute, and states that his intention was to create public awareness over the current COVID situation. The Ministry of Health has neither confirmed nor denied the statements made by Dr Azfar.
This comes after Malaysia’s current R-Naught (Rt) infectivity rate stands at 1.05. An Rt figure of above 1 means that an outbreak is now growing, according to CodeBlue.

Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin had also earlier Tweeted that the Ministry of Health is currently conducting a tabletop simulation exercise to test out the various emergency response procedures in preparation for a ‘surge in our health care facilities’.
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