As Malaysians, we all know that the king of the fruits is durian. However, it’s worth noting that the fruit is an acquired taste and not everyone could accept it. Just recently, Fadzli Mohamad Kamal, Pahang’s Communication and Multimedia, Youth, Sports and Non-Government Bodies Exco shared a post on his Facebook regarding an auction in Raub!
Musang King durian from Raub becomes world’s most expensive durian
In his post, he shared that a whole Musang King durian has been put up as an item for an auction. According to the Pahang Exco, the aim of the auction is to help raise funds for SMK Sg Raun, a school located in Raub.
“The purpose of the auction is to raise funds, so that upgrading for the facilities and infrastructures can be made”, said Fadzli.

Source: Fadzli Kamal (Facebook)
As the auction commences, the durian was offered at the starting price of RM2,000. As the bidders start upping the price for the durian, it finally landed at RM185,000 sold to My. Huang Qi Wen. Other than that, the Black Thorn durian was also sold at the price of RM15,000 per durian!
In addition to that, Dato Lye We Ken has also showcased his generosity by donating a whopping RM204,000 in the auction event, in hopes of a better infrastructure for the school. Overall, the auction held was said to be a successful one as it managed to raise over RM400,000!

Source: Fadzli (Facebook)
Indeed, money well spent as it’s all for a good cause! Would you have spent RM185,000 for a Musang King durian? Let us know!
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Also read: “Wow, sedapnya!”, Chinese celebrity Fan BingBing spotted enjoying durian at SS2!