Getting behind the wheel in Malaysia typically means that you have to get used to more than just a few gripes with regards to the almost ‘anything-goes’ approach to driving etiquette. For the seasoned local motorist, encountering drivers who switch lanes without using their blinkers, luxury cars that tailgate on the fast lane, and double-parked cars that obstruct traffic, are all part and parcel of getting from Point A to Point B.
Driver double-parks car & leaves police vest on dashboard
Which isn’t to say that they are legal just because they are tolerated, as the owner of one Proton Saga sedan is about to find out. As reported by local newspaper The New Straits Times, the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) are currently now on the lookout for the owner of the sedan, after they had not only double-parked illegally and caused a traffic jam, but had also visibly left what appears to be a police-issue high-visibility vest on the vehicle’s dashboard.

According to district police chief Assistant Commissioner Yahaya Hassan, local authorities became aware of the matter after photographs of the car had made the rounds online over Twitter. It was believed that the incident took place around the Persiaran Brash area near Sultan Abdul Aziz Recreational Park in Ipoh, otherwise commonly known as ‘Polo Park’.

In connection with their investigation, the police are also urging the individual who had first uploaded the photographs online to reach out to them.
“The person could contact Ipoh Traffic Enforcement and Investigation Department chief Deputy Superintendent Koo Boon Kuat at 016-4173 2222 to help identify the owner of the car,” he said in a statement.
Members of the public have been advised against making any speculations with regards to the case, lest it interfere with ongoing investigations or damage the reputation of the force.
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