M’sian mother selflessly donates half of her liver to her 1yo daughter who is suffering from liver disease

As the saying goes, a mother’s love knows no bounds, and this is apparent when a mother has selflessly donate half of her liver for her daughter.

M’sian mother selflessly donates half of her liver to her 1yo daughter

According to local newspaper Harian Metro, 1-year-old Nur Khayla Azzahra Mohamed Khairul Idhham suffers from a medical condition named Biliary Atresia since she was born. For those who are unfamiliar, Biliary Atresia refers to a condition where bile is prevented from flowing into the intestine, building up in the liver, therefore damaging it.

Nur Khayla was diagnosed with a liver disease. Source: Harian Metro
Nur Khayla was diagnosed with a liver disease.
Source: Harian Metro

After being diagnosed, Noreen Ismail, Nur Khayla’s mother was told that the surgery can only be performed in China. Finding out that she needs a total of RM250,000 for the medical costs, she had no choice but to turn to the public for help. Thankfully, she was able to raise enough money to treat her child.

Flying to China, Noreen then selflessly donates half of her liver to her daughter, in hopes that she can grow up healthily. Speaking to the local mail, Noreen was happy to share that the surgery had went extremely well, and her daughter’s body is responding well to her donated liver.

Noreen having to ask for donations so she could save her daughter. Source: Malaysia Gazette
Noreen having to ask for donations so she could save her daughter.
Source: Malaysia Gazette

“I’m so grateful to find out that her body is accepting the liver and not rejecting it”, she said.

When asked how she’s feeling, the selfless mother shared that it was definitely painful to watch her child suffer, but is happy to see that her daughter is responding well to the treatment. Noreen’s husband Mohamed Khairul Idhham Khairuddin also shared that both his daughter and wife’s condition are stable and are expected to discharge from the hospital in another two to three weeks.

Speedy recovery and we hope Nur Khayla’s condition will continue to improve.

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Also read: M’sian mother travels over 300km weekly on motorbike to sell vegetables so she could support her children

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