Having young children means making sure that you keep an eye on them at all times to prevent them from acting out or getting into trouble. After all, being inquisitive about the world around them, it’s likely that they may get themselves into spots of trouble that may potentially put them in danger or cause damage to the property of others without realising it.
M’sian shocked to see neighbour’s child climbing up onto his sister’s car roof
Unfortunately for local netizen Faiz, he was left in a state of disbelief after his brother sent a video in their family group chat showing the beligerent antics of a group of children in their neighbourhood. At the time, his brother was pulling his car up towards the front gate of their family home as a young girl could be visibly seen standing atop of the roof of a silver Proton Saga belonging to his sister.

Source: Faiz Aizat (Twitter)
As his car approached closer, the little girl proceeded to clumsily climb down from the roof by padding on the front windshield and hood. Faiz adds that his brother had raised his voice at the children, asking them to get off from the top of the car before they scurried back home to their families. Speaking to Wau Post, Faiz said his brother was able to meet the parents of the kids and spoke to them about the issue.
“Their parents have apologised and to us that’s enough as the kids didn’t damage the car”, he said.

Source: Faiz Aizat (Twitter)
When asked if this has been happening frequently, Faiz revealed that he is unsure as it was his first time encountering such an issue. While the matter seems to have been resolved for the time being, Faiz still took the opportunity to urge netizens especially those who are parents to young children to keep an eye out for their kids, so that such incidents will not happen in the future to other people.
The video, which has gone viral, led to many netizens admonishing the children’s parents for not properly supervising them.
“This is too much”

Source: Twitter
“The front windshield could actually break!”

Source: Twitter
“If it were me, I would’ve horned them. Whether they are kids or not, to me that’s rude. Why are they stepping on other people’s car but not on their parent’s car?”

Source: Twitter
“I remember stories like these when I was younger. I wanted to get the item on top of the wall and thought I could reach it if I climbed onto someone’s car. When my dad found out, I received a beating and was grounded in my toilet. I only found out that my neighbours weren’t even mad, it was just my dad who felt it was extreme.”

Source: Twitter
Watch the full video below:
Sebab tu parental control ni penting, jadi macam ni la. Anak siapa entah memandai panjat kereta kakak aku?
So kalau kita suarakan perkara macam ni pun boleh kena maki sebab tak respect anak dia ke? Tanya pic.twitter.com/W4epoIMTHk
— Faiz Aizat (@faiizaizat) March 14, 2023
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