In a day and age where mental health becomes an increasingly major factor of consideration for many employees alike, the discussion of work-life balance has never more relevant than it is now. And while some workplaces may still see employees clocking in overtime as an indication of hard work, one employer has decided to take a different approach in management styles.
M’sian boss nicknamed ‘headmaster’ by his employees for his workplace policy
In a post uploaded by local entrepreneur Mr Abdul Rahman recently on his Facebook, he goes on to share how his employees have affectionately taken to referring to him by the moniker of ‘headmaster’. Why?

Apparently this nickname came to be after he started making it a habit to stand in the middle of his own office and remind them to start packing and leave the workplace by 6.00pm sharp, just like how a headmaster in school would do with his students.
“My office operation hours generally start from 9.00am to 6.00pm. When it’s 6.00pm, I will stand in the staff area and ask ‘Look at what time it is already!'”
“Some of my staff will look sheepish and check their watches. Then they start packing to leave the office. I will proceed to wait until the last man leaves from that area.” he said.
The reason for him implementing such a policy is simple: burnout prevention. Going on in further detail, Rahman explains that his company is ISO 9001 Certified.
Employees told to leave the office by 6.00pm to reduce burnout
To put it into laymen terms, the ISO 9001 Certification is an internationally recognised benchmark for quality management systems (QMS), which is used to recognize companies that can consistently provide their products and services that will meet both consumer and regulatory requirements, while demonstrating continued improvement.
“In ISO 9001 and further in ISO9002 under clause 7.1.4, there is a clause concerning environment for operation. Generally, an organisation is required to provide a suitable environment to achieve quality objectives.” he points out.
Among the factors that contribute to a ‘suitable environment’ include ‘suitable psychological factors’, which in this case means reducing stress and preventing burnout in the workplace.

In order to ensure that they can all return home by 6.00pm, Rahman often advises his employees to plan ahead as to what tasks they will need to accomplish during the week, so that they can allocate the required time to complete them. And in the event of any hiccups, they can adjust their plans accordingly.
Consequently, his technique has resulted in a more conducive working environment. During team feedback sessions, his employees report being happier, without feeling stressed or burnt out, while achieving their objectives.
His post, which has since gone viral, has attracted much praise from netizens for his empathetic approach to management, while some share that this is being practiced in other countries as well.
“I remember my first day working in the UK back then. My boss would say, ‘Ten to five, it’s time to go back’, I thought I would leave my office late like back in Malaysia, but as it turns out my boss wants us to leave at 5.00pm sharp. Work life balance guys.”

“I pray for your company’s continued success, sir. It’s also great for the emotional wellbeing of your staff. This makes them want to work harder and achieve their KPIs, so they can do the best for their company when they have a boss who has empathy like this.”

However, some point out that not all companies in Malaysia are willing to take up such an approach yet.
“But that’s the thing, not all workplaces are like this. If we leave early, then we are considered lazy.”

“Back when I was working, the work day ends at 5.30pm. But yet urgent meetings start at 6.00pm.”

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