While the public transport system in Malaysia has significantly improved, many people would still rely on driving as their main mode of transport. Just recently, a woman shared her experience after encountering a flat tire on the highway.
Kind Alam Flora workers help woman change her tires under the sun
According to the post written, the woman was in the middle of the highway when she realised that she has a flat tire. Having no option left, she stopped her car at the side, hoping to receive some assistance. Unfortunately, she couldn’t connect to her mobile data, causing her to lose web connection.
“I stood under the hot sun for 10 minutes, hoping that someone would help”, she said.

Source: Wow Shop Online (Facebook)
As she stood at the side waving her hands to oncoming traffic, the woman mentioned that many cars would slow down to assess the situation, before driving off. Some cars would even ignore her and drive off, until she met a couple of men driving past her. They gave her a signal, asking her what happened, to which she pointed to her tire.
Expecting that they would leave, she was surprised that they stopped the car at the side, while one of them got out of the car. After accessing the situation, the man called upon his other colleagues in the car, helping her change her tires. After changing her tires, they told her to be careful and drove off.

Source: Wow Shop Online (Facebook)
“I’m so grateful to have met them and as they were fixing my tires, I found out that they were from Alam Flora”, she mentioned.
Expressing her gratitude, the woman was beyond grateful that the bunch were more than willing to take out time out of their day to help her.
“Malaysia boleh! I hope they’re always blessed”, she said.
We’re glad to see that she’s safe and received the help she needed. Malaysians are truly so kind.
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