“It won’t break my teaching spirit”, M’sian teacher braves through waves to get to school every week

Teachers are truly the unsung heroes of our nation as they play a crucial role in educating the future generations. In hopes for the children to do well and excel, many teachers are willing to make sacrifices. Just recently, a group of teachers have shown impeccable dedication towards their students, having to travel over 2 hours by boat, braving through waves.

M’sian teacher braves through waves to get to school every week

According to local newspaper Sinar Harian, this group of teachers teaching at Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Pulau Sibu would have to go through huge waves and high turbulence in order to get to the school. Despite the risky journey, these group of teachers were adamant in traveling, adding that it wouldn’t break their teaching spirit.

Headmaster of SK Pulau Sibu, N Aniham Abdul Majid shared that along with his teachers, they would travel into the island weekly to pass the families living there some essentials. Sharing their journey as teachers in a rural area, they are often met with unstable electricity supply.

Teachers having to travel through waves to get to the school. Source: Sinar Harian
Teachers having to travel through waves to get to the school.
Source: Sinar Harian

“Everyone in the island relies on solar panels for their electricity and occasionally, the electricity would go off”, she said.

Other than the unstable electricity supply, they also face issues like weak internet connection and limited clean water supply. With over 90 families living there, it was reported that most of the villagers work as a fishmonger. Despite the unstable connection, the teachers still worked around the clock, ensuring that all their teaching materials and modules are up to date and ready for the children.

Building a relationship with the students and teachers, the headmaster is proud that she’s able to create a conducive learning and teaching environment, despite the lack of resources. Serving her time in the school for over 4 years, she vowed to continue improving the school, making sure that her students are learning.

The dedication is truly inspiring! What do you think? Let us know!

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Also read: This M’sian teacher uses his own money to upgrade his classroom into a cafe!

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