Education Minister: PT3 examinations officially abolished in M’sia by this year

Image credit: Malay Mail, Business Today

The Ministry of Education has officially announced that they will be abolishing the Form Three Assessment (PT3) examinations, effective this year. The announcement was made earlier by Minister of Education Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin earlier today during a press conference that was aired over his Facebook, as well as through the DidikTV education channel, which is wholly operated by the Ministry itself.

PT3 officially scrapped by MoE

According to the New Straits Times, the abolishing of the PT3 examinations as a whole comes after their initial cancellations for both the 2020 and 2021 academic years, owing to the unprecedented COVID-19 situation in Malaysia at the time. This also follows after the abolishing of the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR), which was announced just last year.

“In 1993, PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah) was introduced and PT3 in 2014. In 2020 and last year, PT3 exams were not carried out.

“Many wondered what will happen with PT3 exams this year? We have decided to abolish it starting this year,” he said.

Education Minister Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin has announced that PT3 will officially be abolished. Image credit: Malay Mail
Education Minister Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin has announced that PT3 will officially be abolished. Image credit: Malay Mail

To be replaced by school-based assessments

In it’s place, the Ministry of Education will now focus more on the implementation of summative assessments, while simultaneously improving school-based and classroom-based assessments.

“Students will now be assessed by their teachers with school-based assessments. This is to ensure that students will be able to grasp a topic that is being taught in its entirety,” he adds.

School-based assessments will take the place of PT3. Image credit: Business Today
School-based assessments will take the place of PT3. Image credit: Business Today

Just earlier in May, it was announced that all school students will be required to return to physical classrooms, with the Ministry scrapping the previous rotation system implemented during earlier stages of the country’s COVID-recovery efforts.

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