Despite being reported twice to management, a faulty fan in local uni’s dorm remained in use until it caught fire

Image credit: @ArepAshari

For those who have had the experience of dealing with building management teams or dormitory management departments, it probably can come as to no surprise that even miniscule repairs can sometimes take a considerable amount of time to complete. However in the case of some students, that delay has led to a potentially life-threatening situation when a faulty ceiling fan caught fire in one of the university’s dormitory rooms.

Faulty ceiling fan in UM dorm catches fire despite 2 reports lodged

In a Twitter post shared by netizen @ArepAshari, he explains that the faulty ceiling fan had been in-use at his sister’s dorm room for quite some time. This is in light of the fact that two reports have previously been lodged to management over the matter. Located squarely over student’s bed, the faulty fan eventually gave up the ghost and burst into flames.

The faulty fan eventually burst into flames. Image credit: @ArepAshari
The faulty fan eventually burst into flames. Image credit: @ArepAshari

“The fan caught fire right over a bed/mattress. Had there not been anybody in the room, the entire building would have caught fire.” Ashari said.

A video that was included in his post showed emergency fire personnel at the scene of the incident after the fire had been put out completely. As one can imagine, chaos ensued in the wake of the small blaze, which had left sizeable scorch marks on the ceiling. Ashari adds that he feels a personal responsibility to highlight the ordeal, as the room had belonged to his sister.

Two reports have been filed over concerns on the use of the faulty ceiling fan to UM hostel management. Image credit: @ArepAshari
Two reports have been filed over concerns on the use of the faulty ceiling fan to UM hostel management. Image credit: @ArepAshari

In an update over the case, he shares that thee university management have already issued a refund to his sister for the cost of a hotel room she had to pay to stay in due to the state of her dorm room. Her room has also since been cleaned up.

The Tweet has since gone viral, with a number of other students sharing similar incidents that they have faced while living in dorm rooms.

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