Abang GDEX helps customer keep her laundry after delivering her parcel, wins hearts online

Abang GDEX helps customer keep her laundry after delivering her parcel, wins hearts online. Source: Xiao Hong Shu
Abang GDEX helps customer keep her laundry after delivering her parcel, wins hearts online. Source: Xiao Hong Shu

By now, we’re certain that many of us have left our laundry out to dry before leaving the house. While this would normally work out well, the current weather has been rather unpredictable. Just recently, a Malaysian has shared an incident she had with an Abang GDEX!

Abang GDEX helps customer keep her laundry after delivering her parcel, wins hearts online

In a post on Xiao Hong Shu, a woman from Johor shared that she has received a call from the Abang GDEX. He informed her that one of her parcels have arrived. Speaking to Wau Post, she shared that she was at work when she received the call and told the Abang GDEX to just head into her porch and place the parcel near her door.

Abang GDEX helping the customer keep her laundry from the porch. Source: Xiao Hong Shu
Abang GDEX helping the customer keep her laundry from the porch.
Source: Xiao Hong Shu

As the delivery man headed in, he realised that there were stuffed toys left outside to dry. Seeing that the weather wasn’t ideal for drying laundry, he decided to help the customer keep her laundry and placed it in front of her door as well.

Abang GDEX helped his customer keep her laundry and make sure her parcel is safe. Source: Xiao Hong Shu
Abang GDEX helped his customer keep her laundry and make sure her parcel is safe.
Source: Xiao Hong Shu

Witnessing the heartwarming incident on her CCTV, she decided to share it onto her socials and commended the delivery man for his act of kindness. As her post makes its wave on social media, many netizens have commented on the heartwarming gesture and here’s what some of them said:

“I think you can email the company and let them know how well he is doing his job, perhaps it could help him get a bonus or reward from his company.” 

Netizens commenting on the gesture. Source: Xiao Hong Shu
Netizens commenting on the gesture.
Source: Xiao Hong Shu

“How kind and sweet of him! I’m sure he is somewhat who handles chores as well.” 

Netizens commenting on the gesture. Source: Xiao Hong Shu
Netizens commenting on the gesture.
Source: Xiao Hong Shu

“The delivery rider I met is also very kind. He was delivering a parcel of mine and climbed over the wall to place it inside my porch. When I got home, I messaged him to thank him, and he apologised to me as he climbed into my house.

I told him I understood, and he revealed that there was someone around my housing area that was lurking around, which was why he decided to climb into my house to place the parcel.” 

Netizens commenting on the gesture. Source: Xiao Hong Shu
Netizens commenting on the gesture.
Source: Xiao Hong Shu

Have you ever met any kind Abang rider? Let us know!

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Also read: Tauhu bergedil seller offers food to delivery rider after finding out that he couldn’t withdraw money from ATM

Tauhu bergedil seller encounters a hungry delivery rider. Source: Taugedel (Instagram)

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