When you’re on the road, it pays to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Not only can it save you from the consequences of any untoward incidents, it could possibly even help save your life and that of other road users too. And thankfully for one motorcyclist, having his wits about him have certainly proved to make all the difference between certain death and surviving unscathed.
Motorcyclist managed to narrowly avoid being crushed by oncoming truck
In a recent video that was shared across social media, a car could be seen attempting to drive out of a highway lane before capturing what could potentially have been an incredibly gruesome accident. Just as the driver was about to merge into the next lane, a motorbike could be seen careening onto its side on the tarmac after the rider appears to have lost control.
Toppling onto the ground, the motorcyclist somehow had the foresight to immediately pick himself off the ground and immediately sprinted out of the way after a massive oncoming lorry came up from behind him, struggling to jam on the brakes in time!
According to local news portal Utusan TV, the incident took place on Monday (24th January 2022) at 2.17pm in the afternoon. It is unclear as to which highway the incident took place along, however it appears to be located near the Eco Ardence township in Setia Alam based upon the video.
Theories have been buzzing among netizens as to how exactly the accident took place in the first place. Some have speculated that the car that was filming the accident was to be blamed, as the motorcyclist appears to have been trying to avoid it before skidding onto the ground. Others have suggested that the rain could have left the highway incredibly slippery, leading to a loss of control. Some even claimed that it was likely that the motorcyclist wasn’t aware that his motorcycle stand had not been stowed away during his journey.
Motorcyclist explains what had really happened
However, a TikTok user who claims to be the motorcyclist in question has since clarified to Utusan TV that the incident had happened as a result of him swerving out to avoid a car that had struck him while trying to merge into his lane. He adds that if his motorcycle stand had not been stowed away throughout his journey, he would have noticed it much earlier on.

“I was trying to avoid another vehicle. Maybe that was when my motorcycle stand came loose.
Before the video, I was trying to avoid a car that had struck me because they braked while trying to merge into my queue, and I braked using my feet. Maybe it was at that time when my motorcycle’s stand fell upright.” he said.
He adds that he had lost control of his motorcycle, which has resulted in him falling over onto the highway. In any case, we’re just glad to know that he managed to escape the entire accident unhurt!
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