One of the best things about enrolling into a tertiary course is making new memories. While it can be daunting at times, it’s definitely a great experience. Just recently, a Malaysian lecturer has shared his experience with a student who just enrolled into their polytechnic school in Penang.
M’sian lecturer helps student after finding out that he lost his bag at Sg. Nibong
According to a post by Mr. Zaidil Adha, a lecturer, he shared that he received a phone call over the weekend from a humble man. During the phone call, he was told that the man’s son, ZY will be attending their polytechnic school on Sunday (July 28). Sharing his past experience, Zaidil mentioned that the norm for new enrolment would consist of students being dropped off by their parents.

Source: Aidil Zaha (Facebook)
However, due to limited funds, ZY’s parents were unable to drop him off. Upon purchasing a bus ticket for his child, the father realised that the tickets for Sunday (July 28) were sold out. Having no other options, the father humbly asked Zaidil if he was able to allow his son to stay in the hostel a day earlier.
Understanding the father’s hardships, Zaidil agreed and made a suggestion to the father saying that ZY should take a e-riding service upon reaching the bus station as it would take him over 20 minutes to arrive their campus. Hearing the suggestion, the father mumbled to Zaidil, saying that he doesn’t have enough money for his son for a car ride.

Source: Aidil Adha (Facebook)
“I felt sad about the situation and decided to lend a helping hand by offering to fetch him from the station”, said Zaidil.
After receiving the details from the father, Zaidil then texted ZY on the day itself, probing him to update him about his whereabouts so he could pick him up from the station. Picking the student up, he saw him dressed in a white shirt, black tie and pants- their orientation outfit.
“I saw him eating a roll of bread and asked if he wanted to have breakfast at an eatery nearby”, wrote the lecturer.

Source: Zaidil Adha (Facebook)
A day of challenges
Politely declining, Zaidil then told ZY to freshen up, before heading back to his hostel. Bringing him to the toilet, Zy began freshening up before running out of the toilet looking flushed with tears in his eyes. Shocked by the scene, Zaidil asked,
“What’s the matter?”, to which he replied, “I took the wrong bag.”
Taking a deep breath, he was aware of how overwhelming it could be for him, especially at a place where he has no support from friends and family.

Source: Zaidil Adha (Facebook)
“I can’t bear the thought of leaving him here, so I told him I’d send him back to the station to assess the situation”, he wrote.
Fetching ZY, they conversed lightly and Zaidil encouraged the man, comforting him that everything happens for a reason. On top of that, he found out that the young man has never step foot in Penang until this morning. Understanding his situation better, Zaidil couldn’t help but feel a hint of sadness.

Source: Zaidil Adha (Facebook)
Upon arriving at the station, ZY spoke to the customer service officers of the bus company and his bag was sent back to the Penang central station. Extending his kindness once again, Zaidil then sent ZY to the station so he could retrieve his bag. Returning back to Penang, Zaidil caught a glimpse of ZY trying to take pictures of the view while crossing the beach.
“If you want to take pictures, just take it nicely, don’t feel shy”, encouraged Zaidil.
Hearing what Zaidil said, the young man then started taking more pictures, letting Zaidil know that he wanted to share the pictures to his father.

Source: Zaidil Adha (Facebook)
Tough times don’t last, tough people do
Stopping by at Lotus to get some necessities, Zaidil observed the young man as he picked up some stuff, using his calculator to budget his finances, making sure he doesn’t go overboard. Understanding that he was in a difficult place, Zaidil then paid for all his stuff, to which he bowed to Zaidil, expressing his gratitude.

Source: Zaidil Adha (Facebook)
“I decided to have a simple dinner and bought him a pack of fried vermicelli. He told me that it was the best dish he’s had so far”, said Zaidil.

Source: Zaidil Adha (Facebook)
After dinner, Zaidil then sent ZY back to campus, where he was then greeted by other campus assistants so he could settle in and prepare for their orientation the next day.

Source: Zaidil Adha (Facebbok)
Expressing his well wishes for ZY he wrote,
“I feel satisfied being able to help him out today. All the best in your studies, ZY, study well.”
What a touching story and we hope ZY gets all the support he needs in school. Thank you Mr. Zaidil for extending your kindness towards him.
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