“Woke up to a debt”, M’sian YouTuber shocked that she has to pay off car that her BF gifted her

"Woke up to a debt", M'sian YouTuber shocked that she has to pay off car that her BF gifted her. Source: Dashen (YouTube)
“Woke up to a debt”, M’sian YouTuber shocked that she has to pay off car that her BF gifted her. Source: Dashen (YouTube)

Over the recent months, we’ve been seeing plenty of couples gifting each other expensive gifts like cars. Many would find it heartwarming that their significant other would gift them such expensive gifts but for this YouTuber it seems like she was rather shocked to find out that she’d have to pay for her own ‘gift’.

M’sian YouTuber shocked that she has to pay off car that her BF gifted her

YouTuber Dashen paying RM100k downpayment for his girlfriend's new car. Source: Dashen (YouTube)
YouTuber Dashen paying RM100k downpayment for his girlfriend’s new car.
Source: Dashen (YouTube)

According to a video posted by a YouTuber named Dashen, he decided to gift his girlfriend a brand-new electrical car! He revealed that the reason he decided to gift her a car is because she doesn’t have a car to commute around, and he would always be the designated driver. Following that, he shared that he has a few cars in mind that would be suitable for his girlfriend but decided to go with a car called Ora Good Cat.

He explained that while he will be paying off the downpayment for his girlfriend, he mentioned that he won’t be paying the car in full.

“I would pay half for the car, and she would have to finish paying off the car herself”, he said adding that he is sure of his girlfriend’s financial capabilities.

Dashen saying that his girlfriend needs to learn how to be more responsible. Source: Dashen (YouTube)
Dashen saying that his girlfriend needs to learn how to be more responsible.
Source: Dashen (YouTube)

He said that she has started working and has been urging her to buy a car however, knowing her girlfriend, she wouldn’t take action and buy one for herself, which is why he decided to do it for her.

He then went ahead to the showroom to check out the car he wants to get and decided to surprise his girlfriend by placing the car into a large see through container. He blindfolded his girlfriend and led her out of the house, revealing that she will be getting a new car. Upon seeing the new car, his girlfriend, Miki was in disbelief.

Miki still in disbelief. Source: Dashen (YouTube)
Miki still in disbelief.
Source: Dashen (YouTube)

“I think you’re just pranking me”, she said repeatedly, to which Dashen handed her the car keys and told her to try unlocking the car.

Dashen then said that the reason he didn’t want to pay off the car in full is because he needed her girlfriend to learn how to be responsible for herself and start having some sort of commitment in life. Thankfully, his plan did not backfire, and Miki is very happy with her new car!

Despite everything, she's still happy. Source: Dashen (YouTube)
Despite everything, she’s still happy.
Source: Dashen (YouTube)

Congratulations on the new car, Miki! Drive safe! 

Watch the video below:

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