In this day and age, it pays to be aware of your surroundings at all times when you step out of your home and out into the world. The fact stands that we could become victims of crime at any point in our day without even realising it, and in some cases that can come with particularly grave consequences that go beyond the loss of personal valuables.
M’sian woman gets handbag stolen at petrol station
One such instance was caught on camera, when a woman wound up losing her handbag to opportunistic thieves who preyed on her just moments after she had filled up her tank at a local petrol station. A recording of the entire incident was made from the dashcam of another vehicle parked behind the victim’s car, documenting how she was looking down at her hands as she approached the driver’s door.

Well-aware that she was distracted at the time, one of the thieves who was still wearing his motorcycle helmet hurriedly swooped in and pried the passenger-side door open just as she was about to get into her car.

Within just seconds, he snatched her handbag and made a run for it towards his waiting accomplices, much to the shock of the female victim. Upon realising that she was robbed, the woman attempted to give chase to retrieve her belongings and even managed to catch the thief by the shoulders.

But she soon lost her grip and toppled onto the ground as they sped off away from the scene of the crime.
Believed to have taken place in Cheras
As reported by local newspaper The Star, Cheras police chief Assistant Commissioner Zam Halim Jamaluddin said that preliminary investigations into the incident suggest that the crime had taken place at a petrol station in Cheras yesterday (February 22nd, 2023) at around 9.00am.
“One of the suspects stole the victim’s bag from the passenger seat of her car, causing her to sustain losses amounting to RM500.” he said in a statement.
The case is currently being investigated under Section 395 of the Penal Code for gang robbery which upon conviction may carry a jail sentence of up to 20 years, as well as caning.
Jamaluddin also urges those with information regarding the case to contact the Cheras police headquarters (03-92845050/03-92845051), the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters (03-21159999), or lodge a report at any nearest police station.
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Also read: Thieves hits M’sian man with helmet, rob him of RM150k after he faints outside Kuantan bank