VIP convoys and escorts are a familiar sight for many of those who frequently make use of local roads here in Malaysia. With sirens blaring and lights flashing, these entourages of luxury vehicles are most often seen cutting through traffic as they ferry prominent figures between one engagement and the next. But in recent years, their use has become a point of contention for many, especially in the wake of instances when these convoys have been seen allegedly obstructing emergency vehicles in the line of duty.
PM Anwar Ibrahim ‘lends’ police convoy to ambulance responding to emergency
However, newly-appointed Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s convoy has buckled that notion when they were seen believed to be seen travelling along a local highway here recently. As shared by TikTok user bengkelminda, dashcam footage appears to show how traffic came down to a slow crawl while the familiar blaring of emergency sirens could be heard coming from behind.

Understandably, vehicles can then be seen making room as a police motorcycle leads the charge, followed swiftly behind by an ambulance. However as it turns out, the police motorbike in question has in fact been part of Anwar’s VIP convoy as his Proton Perdana limousine could be seen following closely behind, alongside a number of other vehicles that formed part of his security detail.

The clip has since gone viral over social media, and was viewed over 203,500 times in just two days time. Many netizens have taken to the comments section to commend the Prime Minister for ‘lending’ the ambulance use of his convoy’s police escort during the emergency.
“Alhamdulillah, what a great example set by PDRM and our 10th Prime Minister.”

“He’s like that, if the leader sets a good example, then so will those under him. Leadership by example.”

“Great work Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, our 10th Prime Minister, putting people first.”

“Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is a great man, he also prioritises vehicles in emergencies regardless of whether they are ambulances or public service vehicles that are in need of help.”

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