Malaysia has always been blessed with a melting pot of different races and cultures sharing a communal history and bond together as countrymen. So much so that when festive seasons come along, we always make it a point to spread the cheer among one another. After all, the more the merrier as the saying goes! (But follow SOP lah.)
Perak cleaner shows how Chinese residents share the CNY cheer by gifting him angpows and packed drinks
Just recently, TikTok user @muhamad_30_, also known as Muhammad Izzat, took to the social media platform to show how Chinese residents who lived along the routes that he would usually frequent as a cleaner have showered him with gifts in conjunction with the Lunar Chinese New Year celebrations. As is typical for the festivities, Izzat received more than a handful of mandarin oranges, which are meant to represent wealth and prosperity, as well as numerous boxed drinks typically served to guests during house visits.
In fact, Izzat had received so many gifts from Chinese residents during the Chinese New Year period, he had even managed to fill the passenger side seat of his truck with cartons upon cartons of boxed beverages and plastic bags full of mandarin oranges. But obviously, it doesn’t stop there. What would Chinese New Year be without the obligatory ang pows?
Storing them away in an eco-friendly reusable tote bag, Izzat reveals the incredible mound of red packets that have been generously handed to him by those who were celebrating in the festivities, before taking a moment to sort them out.
Set to the tune of M-Girls’ “恭喜发财发大财”, he proceeds to count the stack of RM5 and RM10 notes in hand, before revealing in a separate clip that he had managed to accrue over RM809 in angpows!
Netizens applaud the show of unity between races in Malaysia
The videos, which have since gone viral across the video sharing platform, have left many netizens touched by the show of unity between races in Malaysia. Some netizens have also recounted similar experiences that they have had in receiving angpows and other gifts during Chinese New Year.
“Wow, that’s a lot! The guard working in my child’s school managed to receive RM2,500 during CNY.”

“My father used to be a driver for the Seberang Perai City Concil, and he would come back with 2 to 3 plastic bags full of angpows, mandarin oranges, and even hampers. But we don’t get to enjoy that anymore since he retired!”

“My father used to work for the Kuala Lumpur City Council, and every CNY he would always receive lots of angpows. My husband now works as a postman, and he too receives a lot of angpows.”

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