“No processed food!”, This school canteen in Kelantan serves healthier meals to their students

As we live in a fast-paced world, many of us would rely on instant and fast food. While it may be convenient, it’s important to note that highly processed food may not be healthy if we have it on a daily basis. With that said, this primary school in Kelantan has taken matters into their own hands by providing healthier alternatives for their students in their canteen.

This school canteen in Kelantan serves healthier meals to their students

In an attempt to encourage their students to eat healthier and avoid high processed foods, SK Hamzah 1 has decided to roll out meals that consists of sufficient nutrients for the children. According to the Nutrition Unit of Kelantan’s Health Department, they congratulated the school for their efforts.

Preparing fresh fruits for the students. Source: Nutrition Unit of Kelantan’s Health Department (Facebook)
Preparing fresh fruits for the students.
Source: Nutrition Unit of Kelantan’s Health Department (Facebook)

Sharing pictures of the food, the canteen now serves a variety of fried finger food made with vegetables, as well as hot meals like soup noodles, fried vermicelli and fresh fruits. On top of that, the canteen would also prepare malty drinks, Barley, grass jelly and fruit juices, so that the children can have some variety.

“While it’s worth noting that steaming or grilling some of the food served would be best, we also have to take into consideration, the children’s liking”, said the department.

Soup noodles prepared daily packed with carbs, fiber and protein. Source: Nutrition Unit of Kelantan’s Health Department (Facebook)
Soup noodles prepared daily packed with carbs, fiber and protein.
Source: Nutrition Unit of Kelantan’s Health Department (Facebook)

Adding on to it, they mentioned that they would also have to consider the vendors operating the canteen, making sure that the meals cooked are being sold.

“It would be a waste if the vendors have cooked the meals but the children refuse to purchase it as it isn’t appealing to them”, it wrote.

Following their decision to transform the food menu, the canteen has also stopped serving high processed foods like nuggets and sausages. Any fried finger foods served are made with whole foods such as, chicken, sweet potatoes and enoki mushrooms.

Fried food made from scratch! Source: Nutrition Unit of Kelantan’s Health Department (Facebook)
Fried food made from scratch!
Source: Nutrition Unit of Kelantan’s Health Department (Facebook)

As their initiative makes rounds on social media, plenty of netizens have commented on the post and here’s what some of them said:

“They all look good!”

Netizens commenting on the video.<br />Source: Facebook
Netizens commenting on the video.
Source: Facebook

“That’s good!”

Netizens commenting on the video.<br />Source: Facebook
Netizens commenting on the video.
Source: Facebook

“This is really a good initiative, not all canteens can do so. This is seriously a good effort that needs to be acknowledged and praised. Other schools can also use this as an example and I’m sure the children are happy to buy the food prepared.

I see some of the comments not seeing eye to eye, but I think we should really take into account that it’s a primary school and they’re supposed to make food that appeals to kids. With the kids’ day to day schedule, I think it’s a good idea that the school prepare food that actually provides nutrition and energy.”

Netizens commenting on the video.<br />Source: Facebook
Netizens commenting on the video.
Source: Facebook

What do you think of their initiative? Let us know!

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Also read: Primary school in Kedah shows amazing creativity with DIY bowling alley made for students to play!

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