After years of investigative efforts into the involvement of a disgraced former premier with regards to misappropriated funds amounting to RM42 million from SRC International and Malaysian sovereign fund 1MDB, alongside one of the nation’s most publicised trials in recent memory, sixth-Prime Minister to Malaysia, Najib Razak, was officially put behind bars yesterday (August 24th 2022).
This comes after a five-panel judge led by Chief Justice Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat had unanimously decided to uphold all of the seven counts of corruption charges filed against him, in addition to his 12-year prison sentence and a RM210 million fine that was meted out to him in 2020. No further stays of execution were granted, and Najib was ordered to begin serving his sentence from Kajang Prison effective yesterday (August 23rd 2022).
Najib pens heartfelt parting letter to family
Prior to his hearing yesterday, his family has since revealed that Najib had managed to leave them a heartfelt letter, documenting his devotion to the nation and its progress as not just a politician, but a leader as well.

Tracing his beginnings in politics from 1976, he recalls how he has contributed 46 years of service to the people, and that he chose to do so to carry on the legacy of his father, the late-Tun Haji Abdul Razak bin Dato’ Hussein, or more affectionately known as Tun Razak, Malaysia’s second Prime Minister.
During his time in office, he said that he had endeavoured to draw up plans for the nation’s development, formulate welfare policies, manage the nation’s economy, strengthen international ties, and solve crises. All of which brought him a great deal of joy.
Saddened that he never spent much time with his family

However, he has also lamented how his work has taken him away from his family, occupying all hours of his day, even during mealtimes.
“My years have gone by dedicated to people, public service, politics.
A sacrifice I chose and I made.
A journey that was joyous with your presence but unfortunately I overlooked and could not always be there for you.” he said.
And with his arrest and imprisonment, he mournfully points out that his time with his family has come to an end, and says that he accepts his fate as was planned by Allah SWT. He has also prayed for his family’s continued safety, before signing the letter off.
However, his daughter Nooryana Najwa has gone on Instagram after her father’s verdict to say that ‘Bossku does not end here’, and remains persistent in her hope that justice will be served.
Read the full contents of Najib’s parting letter here.
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