There is an old saying that goes ‘many hands make light work’, which is to say that people can get things done more quickly and easily, if they choose to collaborate and lend each other a helping hand. That has most certainly proven to be true recently, after a group of Malaysians decided to work together in order to rescue a trapped dog in the wake of a terrible accident.
M’sian highway runners work together to save dog underneath wrecked car
Video footage of the entire ordeal was shared by netizen Amirul Ainul (amirulainul4788) on his TikTok profile, showing how the men, who appear to be runners working for tow truck companies, came together to help lift an overturned Honda City sedan after a crash after learning that the four-legged creature was unable to escape from underneath it.

Wearing high-visibility vests, they each held on to a side of the vehicle and with all their might, attempted to lift it up with enough force to offer the small dog some space to crawl out to freedom.

With the men holding the wreckage up for long enough, the camera proceeds to then pan towards the interior of the crumpled cabin space, showing how the small white dog had miraculously managed to survive the horrific accident.

Understandably, the dog appeared to be fearful considering the ordeal that it had just experienced and barked aggressively at one of the men, who attempted to coax it out into safety. Some also expressed their concerns that the dog may bite at the man’s arm.

As the man attempted to carry the dog out, it eventually wriggled itself free before scurrying off away from the wrecked car and onto another side of the road. However, the condition of the other occupants in the car were not mentioned. The accident was believed to have occurred in Penang.
The clip, which has been viewed 122,400 times since it was uploaded, has been met with much praise from local netizens for the courage and teamwork practiced by those involved.

“Alhamdulillah, that dog is safe. Thank you brothers. You are all great and good-hearted.”

“Thank you all for saving it [the dog]. May you all be blessed with good health always. God bless you all.”

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