M’sian air stewardess gives up high paying job to start a small roadside eatery with her husband

From the blue skies as an air stewardess in Emirates, to starting a small roadside eatery with her husband. This leap of faith taken by Putri Nur Shanee Rosli is truly inspiring, especially when her job was offering an income that was over 5 figures.

Air stewardess gives up high paying job to start a small roadside eatery

According to local newspaper Harian Metro, Putri, who is currently 32 years old has decided to resign from her high paying job, so she could continue the plan she has with her husband who was previously a doctor working in Indonesia.

“We planned to start a business together, where he cooks and I’ll serve”, she said.

Putri and her husband who was a doctor working in Indonesia. Source: Harian Metro
Putri and her husband who was a doctor working in Indonesia.
Source: Harian Metro

Despite knowing the risks where the business may not flourish to their expectations, it was a challenge her husband was willing to take on. He was willing to learn the Minang delicacies from his mother, serving up to 50 dishes.

“He cooks all the food, and I help him take care of the cleanliness of the stall as well as the orders we receive online”, she mentioned.

The mother of two revealed that she has never felt shame for operating a roadside stall. While it can be challenging especially under the scorching weather, she believes in working hard for what you want. When asked if she has any regrets giving up her job, the woman confidently answered no.

“It’s the same job, just in a different environment.”

“I believe it’s all written for me and my rezeki is now here”, she said.

Putri also shared that she enjoys working with her husband, running a stall as it’s a new challenge that they can overcome together. On top of that, the main motivation that keeps her going now as well as to give up her previous job was because she didn’t want to be apart from her family for too long.

Putri Nur Shanee Rosli, giving up her job as an air stewardess so she could be closer to her family. Source: Harian Metro
Putri Nur Shanee Rosli, giving up her job as an air stewardess so she could be closer to her family.
Source: Harian Metro

“Throughout the 5 years of my tenure, I’ve experienced so much, including a take-off that almost crashed in Dubai”, she mentioned.

Thankfully, her decision to pivot from one industry to another proved to be a success as customers have been enjoying food from their stall and she’s able to be close to her family.

Those who wish to support her can locate her at Bandar Teknologi Kajang, Selangor.

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