We are all familiar with the sense of anticipation and mild worry that can be felt when we are expecting a package to be delivered to our home. After all, many of us want to be around when the deliveryman shows up, so that we may collect it in person. This is especially true in the case of deliveries such as groceries and gas cylinder tanks.
However in the case of one gas cylinder deliveryman, his repeated efforts to make a home delivery to an auntie’s house would leave him frustrated after she repeatedly flaked on him.
Gas cylinder delivery man fed up with frequent absences from customer
A screen recording footage recently went viral on Facebook, showing a heated argument between a gas cylinder delivery man and an auntie (his customer). It seemed to indicate that the auntie was always absent every time he was delivering to her location.
The conversation started with the delivery man informing the customer that he was unable to deliver to her house the next day, so he will be making a delivery on Saturday instead. It was revealed that he was supposed to deliver a gas cylinder to her house on that day but failed to do so because the auntie said she was on her way back to Sekinchan.
The auntie then responded by asking him to tell her what time he will be arriving because she was planning to go to the wet market on Saturday. However, that was when the delivery man lost his cool and started to tell her off.
“You know what? Just go to the wet market and don’t buy from me again. I told you that I don’t earn much from you and you’re not the only one I need to serve,” he scolded her.

He went on to vociferate that it was very troublesome to serve customers like her as she was always not at home when she was the one ordering a gas tank and he had asked her to wait at home for the delivery.
The lady then replied that the delivery man could have informed her of a specific time so she would wait at home and that he should not be angry at her. But, that response just pushed him off the edge.
“Every time I came to deliver your gas cylinder, you are either going out or off to the market. You do know that you were the one who ordered it and I didn’t force you to, right?” he replied angrily.
He added that serving the auntie was just infuriating, and he rather not serve her anymore.
Be considerate with these delivery men
The post eventually garnered 8.3k likes and 3k comments, with many netizens sympathizing with the delivery man.

“Every time when I asked the gas cylinder delivery man to deliver to my house, I will always wait for them, and furthermore offered them more money. This job is very tiring and do you think that those gas cylinders only weigh 0.5kg?”

“Life is not easy and everyone has to work hard to survive. Please be more considerate towards other people.”

So next time, don’t leave these delivery men waiting under the hot sun and receive your goods on time.
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