The topic of VIP convoys has recently come under intense scrutiny here in Malaysia, after two reported incidents saw massive fleets of police vehicles and luxury cars blocking the way of an oncoming ambulance with its emergency sirens on. Many have lamented the fact that double-standards continue to endure with regards to why VIPs are given preferential treatment on the road, even in the face of an emergency vehicle caught in a potentially life-saving moment.
President Jokowi of Indonesia’s convoy seen giving way to ambulance
However, it would appear that Indonesia takes a different approach with its VIP convoys, after a video recently emerged over social media which showed how President Jokowi Widodo’s VIP entourage had stopped mid-way along a procession to make room for an ambulance. In the clip, which was shared by Instagram user sumarnigrobogan, a paramedic can be seen filming from inside an ambulance that was en-route to the hospital after having picked up a patient requiring emergency attention.
From the overhead sirens blaring, they eventually found themselves caught along a stretch of road that was flanked by well-wishers who had converged to greet the Indonesian president as he was making his way through. And just as the ambulance had arrived on the narrow street, the lead vehicles from President Jokowi’s convoy had also pulled up at the same time.
But instead of being told to make way for the President’s convoy, local authorities instructed for the vehicles of the convoy to stop and make room for the ambulance, so that it could speed past.
Praises sung for the president’s convoy
According to Indonesian newspaper Kompas, the ambulance had been traveling from RSUD Ki Ageng Selo Wirosari towards RS Panti Rahayu “Yakkum” Purwodadi at the time on Wednesday (5th January 2021).
“I did not expect to run into the President’s convoy. Initially, I had considered reversing and waiting to allow them to pass, but then I thought about my patient who was in the middle of a medical emergency.” the ambulance driver known only as Septian, told members of the media.
Understandably, the video has since gained the praise of many Indonesians who lauded President Jokowi’s consideration over the circumstances present at the time.
“This proves that an ambulance that has its sirens on is a priority above other priorities.”

“Where else can you find a model president like this? Thank you Pak Jokowi! Love you so much.”

“Salute to Father Jokowi. When encountering an ambulance, Pak Jokowi’s entourage did not hesitate to give room for it to pass.”

“Thank you Father Joko Widodo, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, for setting an example to our fellow countrymen. May you always be blessed with good health from Allah SWT.”

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