As one of the busiest and largest airports in the region, it is not uncommon to experience some degree of congestion in and around the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) area. Which is why in order to ensure that traffic remains smooth and tolerable for those who are visiting, it is paramount that drivers follow the stipulated rules while taking the wheel, especially when around the designated drop-off zones at the airport entrance.
Perodua Bezza driver leaves car parked in middle of KLIA pickup lane
This common axiom appears to have clearly eluded one local driver however, after he was recently spotted committing an inconsiderate offense upon reaching the pick-up lane for arrivals. While most other motorists understand and acknowledge the unspoken rule that their vehicles can only be stopped for a brief moment for the purposes of collecting or dropping off passengers, the man behind the wheel of a silver Perodua Bezza had different intentions in mind.
As shared by local comedian Harith Iskander to his official Twitter page, he expressed his incredulity at how instead of parking his car by the curb to wait on his passengers to arrive, the driver did the unthinkable: he left his car smack-dab in the middle of the pickup lane.
What’s more, instead of waiting in the car so that he could move it out of the way if he needed to, he killed the engine and left his vehicle parked. He then stepped out of the car before heading across the street for a smoke break, while watching other drivers attempt to maneuver their own cars around his own.
‘Maybe he is a shareholder with the airport!’
Needless to say, the video has since garnered a number of reactions from local netizens, some of whom were amused by his gall, but many others were decidedly more critical of his lack of consideration.
“Maybe he is a shareholder with KLIA. That’s why he can park anywhere he wants.
Or maybe he has an emergency, he needed to pee. We just assume the best of people. But you still need to park properly, right? Park by the side. Malaysians really can just do anything.”

“Usually traffic police will be on standby in the area. There’s no way that the car would have been spared. Just recently there was a car that was parked more or less in the same manner, and in a moment’s time the police arrived to give them a fine. They want to tow, but yet they don’t have tow trucks. So fines are issued instead.”

“Maybe his car broke down. He’s waiting for a tow truck. Always assume the best of people.”

One netizen highlights how in China, such instances are rare as CCTVs ensure proper enforcement of the law and flag down errant drivers automatically by issuing a fine that would later be mailed directly to their home.

On the other hand, Malaysian Airports Berhad (MAB), who manages the KLIA complex, has since responded over the issue and assured that the relevant authorities have been made aware of the driver’s actions.

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