“I conquered it!”, 60yo uncle becomes first Sarawakian to conquer Mt Everest, the highest peak in the world!

Mount Everest, known as Sagarmatha in Nepali and Chomolungma in Tibetan, is the highest mountain in the world, with its peak reaching an elevation of 8,848.86 meters (29,031.7 feet) above sea level. Just recently, a 60-year-old uncle has made history, by being the first Sarawakian to climb Mount Everest!

60yo uncle becomes first Sarawakian to climb Mt Everest

According to The Borneo Post, Wong Su Chung, an avid mountain climber has become the first Sarawakian to complete the hike up to Mount Everest, receiving plenty of welcome and recognition from the Sarawakian government, as he returned. Sharing his preparation journey, Wong shared that he took over 3 years to prepare for the hike.

Despite his age, Wong remained positive that he was able to complete the hike. Source: The Borneo Post
Despite his age, Wong remained positive that he was able to complete the hike.
Source: The Borneo Post

“I prayed to God for sustenance to succeed as well as mental strength so I could complete the hike and come back alive”, he said, adding that the climbing the highest peak in the world was no easy feat, as there is a fatality rate of 8 percent.

Upon reaching the summit, the humble man’s first thought was to express gratitude to God for allowing him to complete the climb. On top of that, he also felt extremely exhausted after a long climb, but those feelings were quickly replaced by happiness, as he was able to reach the peak during his 34th wedding anniversary.

“I conquered Mount Everest! I’m grateful!”

“The challenge doesn’t stop after I reach the peak, I still had to make sure I was able to descend the mountain safely”, he mentioned.

Wong (middle) posing for pictures with Ethan his grandson and Ting. Source: The Borneo Post
Wong (middle) posing for pictures with Ethan his grandson and Ting.
Source: The Borneo Post

Despite the challenges faced, Wong braved through it and kept his family in mind the whole time, and to no surprises, he was able to reach the foot of the mountain safely. Returning to Sarawak, Wong was greeted by his loved ones, making it extremely memorable.

In total, the man took about 45 days to complete his trip from Kathmandu to Everest and back. With his unwavering spirit to complete the hike, Wong successfully became the first Sarawakian to put his name in the Mount Everest book records!

Congratulations, Wong, you’re amazing! Would you make it your goal to climb Mount Everest? Let us know!

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