“He wants to send all his money back home”, M’sian spots foreign worker eating only plain rice with water

As the cost-of-living rises, many people have started looking for alternatives as well as new job opportunities abroad. Stumbling upon a foreign worker, this Malaysian decided to go up to him, realising that he was only having nothing but plain rice and water.

M’sian spots foreign worker eating only plain rice with water

Speaking to Wau Post, Ben Ismail shared that while he was out about for his monitoring duties in Klang, he came across the workers having lunch. As he was a new worker, the man decided to pay more attention to him, making sure that he’s doing well. Looking closely, he realised that the man was only eating rice with plain water. Feeling sympathy for the man, he then decided to engage the foreign worker, trying to understand his situation.

Foreign worker eating rice with plain water. Source: Ben Ismail (TikTok)
Foreign worker eating rice with plain water.
Source: Ben Ismail (TikTok)

During their conversation, the man found out that the reason why the worker was living so frugal was because he wanted to save up more money.

“He really wants to send all his money back to his hometown”, he said.

Posting it onto his TikTok, the OP emphasised that the reason he posted the video online was purely to showcase the strength and resilience the worker is showing, despite going through tough times abroad. Expressing his thoughts further, Ben shared that upon seeing him eat plain rice and water, he felt quite upset.

Foreign worker eating rice with plain water. Source: Ben Ismail (TikTok)
Foreign worker eating rice with plain water.
Source: Ben Ismail (TikTok)

“It was really sad to see him go through this. But I also admire his resilience. Despite having to eat only plain rice with water, he could still smile”, said the OP.

Following his TikTok video, many netizens have commented and here’s what some of them said:

“He came here with his dreams and is waiting to go back to his country where he can finally enjoy life. He is willing to work hard now and live life later. I hope his efforts will pay off.”

Netizens commenting on the video. Source: TikTok
Netizens commenting on the video.
Source: TikTok

“For the sake of saving up and sending the money back.”

Netizens commenting on the video. Source: TikTok
Netizens commenting on the video.
Source: TikTok

“It’s so sad to see this. My eyes automatically teared up. I hope he stays healthy and may God ease his journey.”

Netizens commenting on the video. Source: TikTok
Netizens commenting on the video.
Source: TikTok

You really wouldn’t know what someone is going through unless you talk to them, so this is a reminder for you to always be kind to one another, especially to those who travel far, in hopes for a better future for their family.

Watch the full video below:


Tadi ada jumpa pekerja pembersihan yg sangat rajin masa diorg tengah rehat saja pi tengok skli dia mkn nasi letak air kosong ja bila tanya dia cakap duit nk hantar kampung… walaupun mkn mcm ni dia tetap senyum bila nasi jatuh dia kutip balik… Masyallah semoga diorg terus dilimpahkan rezeki Allah Aamin #CapCut

♬ suara asli – Rtnaku_ – Rtnaku_

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Also read: SG company thanks foreign worker who worked for 27 years by throwing him a farewell party

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