Just yesterday (26th May 2022), local authorities have reported that a number of major roadways around the Kuala Lumpur metropolitan area have yet again suffered from flash floods. Some of these localities include Jalan Ampang and Jalan Ipoh, where water levels were seen rising significantly as a result of the continued downpour from the day before.
KL City Council fishes waterlogged teddy bear from drain
And while we can attribute the almost too-frequent floods around the Klang Valley to climate change and poor infrastructure planning, litterbug habits certainly don’t help improve matters by much, either. In a video that was uploaded by the Kuala Lumpur City Council through their official Facebook on Tuesday (24th May 2022), they show how a city maintenance worker had climbed into the deep chasm of a drain to remove a giant waterlogged teddy bear that was found within it.
As one can predict, the sheer size of the stuffed teddy bear caught in the narrow confines of the drainage system means that it had inevitably left the drain clogged.
“Why is it necessary to throw this into the drain if you no longer need it? Trash bins are around, aren’t they?
When the drainage system is clogged, flash floods occur, leaving many to suffer. The loss of property may even happen.
Don’t wind up blaming the authorities for not doing their job when that happens.” they wrote.
According to DBKL, the teddy bear was found in the vicinity of Merdeka Roundabout (Bulatan Merdeka), which is considered to be among some of the most frequent flash flood hotspots in the city.
Netizens admonish litterbugs
The video has understandably garnered plenty of reactions from local residents, many of whom applauded the City Council for their efforts in keeping the drainage system operable. On the other hand, they have also admonished litterbugs who have unwittingly played a hand in causing the frequent flash floods witnessed throughout Kuala Lumpur.
“When floods happen, everyone is busy pointing fingers at the government. And yet it is the habits of some irresponsible members of society that are truly the root cause.”

“This must have happened as a result of a breakup. I bet she just threw everything in the drain.”

“This is just a teddy bear! I’ve even seen bowling balls being discarded in drains, you know? They’re just creating problems for other people.”

“Ya Allah, I thought it was a corpse earlier. Turns out it was just a teddy bear.”

“That’s the mentality of M’sian? Do they think that everything that they throw into the drain/river/sea would just be ‘destroyed’ by the water? This is one of the reasons why we always experience frequent flash floods. Because our drains are all clogged. Please, before discarding something, think about the consequences. What a pity these city council workers have to do this.”

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