Many of us may have at some point in our childhood, asked our parents for a pet after having encountered an adorable puppy or kitten belonging to somebody else. At that age, it’s difficult for us to comprehend the undertaking of responsibilities that go with bringing another living, breathing member into our families, whether it be a dog, cat, or other species.
Sadly, a lack of commitment to that responsibility has often been regarded as a longstanding issue within pet communities, with many elderly animals facing abandonment as they become too challenging to care for.
M’sian couple share their experiencing tending to their elder dog in his final days
Taking to social media recently, husband and wife Adrian Lee and Vicky Ang recounted their own experiences in caring for their aging golden retriever, Golden, up to his final breath. Speaking with WauPost, Vicky explained that they adopted Golden from a friend’s home, after he was abandoned at 5-years-old along with his companion, a husky.
“We fell in love [with Golden] on the first sight so we decided immediately to adopt him,”

With two other golden retrievers in their home, the couple were familiar with the needs of the breed and made a point to ensure that all their dogs were never left wanting for anything.
Describing him as a ‘kid with a very big heart of giving’, Vicky said he would never fight with any of their other dogs and would make a point of waiting on them to eat first before joining in himself during mealtimes.
“He was also a good listener. Always kept us company when we were down.” she adds.

As most dogs do, Golden enjoyed his walks and frolicking about outdoors amid nature. Often found sniffing curiously at all manner of plants, he was known to relish every opportunity he had to play in puddles and the mud.

However as time went on, age began to take its toll on the once spry and energetic dog. But Adrian and Vicky never loved him any less, not even when they were informed by their vet of 8 years that Golden was diagnosed with an early onset of bone cancer in late November of last year.
Diagnosed with bone cancer in November last year
Owing to the aggressive nature of the cancer, Golden’s condition deteriorated rapidly within the span of just two months. Towards the end of December, he was no longer able to walk, and needed both Vicky and her husband to help carry him out into their garden to defecate and urinate. By late January, Golden depended on the use of diapers as he could no longer control his bowels.

Yet every step along the way, neither Vicky nor Adrian’s affection for their pet dog, whom she dubs as their son, relented even once.
“As his vet has already told us that the cancer is a very aggressive type, we were preparing a lot for his final journey.”

Going above and beyond to ensure that he remained comfortable in the remaining time he had on this Earth, the couple even syringe-fed Golden with liquid food when consuming solid foods became too difficult for him. They spent two weeks at home, just to ensure that they could spend every last moment by his side.
“Two days before his death, we bought a wagon trolley and pushed him around for a walk on the garden.” Vicky said.

In spite of his already frail state, they hoped that they could at least fulfill one of Golden’s final wishes to enjoy nature once more before his passing. And upon his death, they paid tribute to him by organising a small funeral ceremony through Piepie Pet Memorial, before Golden was cremated and his ashes brought home.

Pet ownership is a long-term commitment
On account of her experience of tending to an elder pet, Vicky reminded pet owners that keeping a pet is a responsibility that they have to bear until the animal’s final breath.
“From my personal experience, owning a dog is no less different than having a kid of my own. When they age, we have have to take care them like our parents,” she notes.

Describing the act of tending to one’s own pets as a form of social responsibility, she adds that pet owners should be more aware and prepared for how potentially demanding it can be as their animals reach an advanced age and begin to suffer from illnesses, especially with regards to palliative care.
Additionally, she advises pet owners to establish a good rapport with their vets, so that they can make informed decisions for their animals should the need arise.
But above all, it’s important to always remember that when you bring an animal into your home, they become a part of your family and will require love, care and attention throughout their lives. Vicky hopes that in sharing her story, more pet owners can be educated on the long-term journey of pet ownership, and reduce instances of pet abandonment within the local community.
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