M’sian ice cream seller gifted a new motorbike so he could send his 7yo daughter to school

Malaysians are truly one of the kindest nations as we’re so open to helping people. In a recent heartwarming post, Malaysians have gathered their resources and bought a brand-new motorbike for a fellow ice-cream seller, after seeing him fetch his daughter from school in a bicycle.

Ice cream seller gifted a new motorbike so he could send his daughter to school

According to content creator Adrian Edy, he shared that he encountered a video of an ice cream seller, Uncle Basri on the way home with his 7-year-old daughter on a bicycle. Upon understanding, Adrian found out that the man is currently 69 years old with 10 kids under him and his wife’s care.

Uncle Basri, Putri Sarah and Adrian posing for a picture. Source: Adrian (Instagram)
Uncle Basri, Putri Sarah and Adrian posing for a picture.
Source: Adrian (Instagram)

“I was in tears seeing that video and decided to gather resources to help him and his family out”, said Adrian.

Sharing his story, Adrian mentioned that Uncle Basri actually sells ice cream and on a good day, his daily income would only hit RM30 to RM40. Unfortunately, as he ages, his health has become one of his concerns, not allowing him to work long hours anymore. Despite the hardship, Uncle Basri would still ride his bicycle and send his daughter Putri Sarah to school every day.

Looking at the bicycle the family modified, a small seat was converted at the back of the bike and a piece of cloth is placed on top of the seat, to shield Sarah, if it rains.

A modified bike to chauffer Putri Sarah to school. Source: Adrian (Instagram)
A modified bike to chauffer Putri Sarah to school.
Source: Adrian (Instagram)

“I would send her to school at around 11am, then rest and pray at a nearby mosque until it’s 5pm. Then I’ll pick Putri Sarah up and we would head home”, adding that the trip would take them around 20 minutes.

Wanting to ease their hardships, Adrian then gathered some resources from Malaysians and managed to gift him a brand-new motorcycle. On top of that, they’ve also bought them some food and daily necessities, hoping that it could help them lessen their burdens. Receiving the gift as well as supplies for his family, Uncle Basri was so grateful and thanked those who were willing to help him.

Adrian gifted the family a motorcycle and some groceries, with the help of kind Malaysians. Source: Adrian (Instagram)
Adrian gifted the family a motorcycle and some groceries, with the help of kind Malaysians.
Source: Adrian (Instagram)

We hope that this kind gesture from Adrian would be able to help Uncle Basri and his family. Thank you to those who’ve helped him and his family! 

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Also read: M’sian sisters spotted selling curry puffs by the roadside to earn a living after their father passed away

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