Malaysians are known to be one of the kindest nations and this is apparent in a man as he stumbled upon a mother and son duo at a restaurant eating only a plate of rice with gravy.
Kind M’sian decides to treat mother & son duo to a piece of fried chicken
According to a post by Muzz, the man shared that he was having his meal at an eatery in Pudu, and came across this mother and son duo, who were sitting across him diagonally. As he watched them have their meal, he realised that they only had a plate of rice with gravy and no other dishes. She was also offered a cup of free tea and that was all they had.

Source: Muzz (Facebook)
As she began feeding her child, her child then gave her a thumbs up, signifying that the food was great. However, all she could muster was a small smile, before continuing to mix the rice evenly, making sure that it’s all coated with gravy.
“As she was done feeding her child, she headed over to the self-serving corner”, he wrote, adding that the mother took a small bowl of soy sauce with some chilli padi.
An act of kindness goes a long way
She then proceeded to mix the condiment she took into the rice and started eating. Seeing that, the man then promptly headed over to the ordering station and ordered a fried chicken drumstick for the woman and her child. Upon receiving the fried chicken, the woman looked genuinely surprised.
Clearly shocked by the unexpected act of kindness, the mother thanked the man, while he proceeded to interact with her child briefly, giving him a thumbs up.

Source: Muzz (Facebook)
While Muzz was aware that his act of kindness wasn’t enough to fill their stomachs, he was hoping that it could fill their hearts with warmth. Speaking to Wau Post, he revealed that his intentions when sharing the post was purely because he wanted to spread the kindness online.
“I only want people to know that an act of kindness can really brighten up someone’s day”, he said.
Thank you for your act of kindness, Muzz. We hope the situation gets better for the mother and son duo.
Would you have done the same if you encountered a similar situation? Let us know!
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