When going out to eat with a group of friends, it isn’t unheard of that we may have one person pay on behalf of everybody else, before each individual proceeds to reimburse them with the amount they owe in kind for the sake of convenience. It only makes sense to do so after all, when taking into consideration that everybody may choose to order different things off the menu.
M’sian calls out his friend for always wanting to split their bill equally when eating out together
However, that didn’t seem to be the case for one netizen, who recently took to sharing his gripes about dining out with one of his friends on Twitter. In responding to a Tweet asking Malaysians to share some of the characteristics in an individual that one should avoid when dining out in a group, social media user @iHarizHaziq was quick to point out that his friend made a habit of splitting the bill equally when it came time to paying at the till.
“I have a friend, what he always does is if we eat in a group, he would make a point of paying for everybody else, then telling us that we have to split the bill equally.
If you only ate only RM20 worth of food, you will wind up paying RM30++ because everybody has to pay the same amount. It’s not fair. He would wind up telling us ‘If we eat together, then we pay together la bro‘.” he explained.

Hariz said he noticed his friend’s habit of doing so the first time they went to a Japanese restaurant together.
“I noticed his habit the first time when we went out to a sushi restaurant together in a group. I didn’t feel like having sushi at the time as I felt that it wasn’t very filling, so I only ordered two plates. My budget came up to about RM12 only.
And yet out of a sudden, we all wound up having to transfer RM26 to him. I was surprised, as was everybody else.” he adds.
A more common practice than many realise
His Tweet has since resonated with other social media users, who also shared similar experiences in dealing with their own friends.
“Same here! When I go out to eat, I ordered a RM13 set meal while everyone else ordered other things. When it came time to pay, turns out everyone had to pay the same equal amount, even when I didn’t eat any of their food. What a waste of my money. If they want to invite me out to eat, I would rather turn them down now and just head back to eat with my children.”

“Right? We order cheap items (as per budget) and yet we still pay the same equal amount regardless. What? We eat at the same time!”

Others have shared ways that they have used to avoid such incidents.
“I always ensure that there is someone with an accounting background to eat with us. I will usually get them to calculate how much each of us owed, tax included, This is because our lunch group is multi-racial and everyone has their own preferred dish. So this doesn’t become an issue. Just pay for what you eat. Easy, no issue.”

“I have encountered people like this before, and I make a point of not entertaining them as they are the ones who usually order expensive meals. From the get go, I will grab the receipt and check how much I ate, and then pay for my portion.”

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