A parent’s love knows no bounds, and this is observed in a 67-year-old man whereby he travels back and forth from Malaysia to Singapore twice a month, in hopes of catching a glimpse of his son, who is currently serving his sentence in prison.
M’sian man rides to S’pore at 2am to visit his son in jail for the last 10 years
Over the weekend, 8 World News have shared a gut-wrenching story where a 67-year-old man would visit his son in jail. The elderly named Cheong Kah Pin revealed that he would ride his motorcycle to Singapore twice a month to see his son who is serving his life sentence in prison.

Source: 8 World News
Mr. Cheong shared that when he visits his son, he would leave at 2am in the morning and the journey would take him about an hour, where he would safely arrive at approximately 3am.
“I’m old and I want to ride my bike slowly”, he said elaborating further that he sets out at that time as there are less cars on the road, reducing the possibilities of getting into an accident.
After arriving at 3am, he would then sit at a petrol station near the prison and wait for 5 hours as the visiting hours in the prison would only start at 8am. For the past decade, Mr. Cheong has been traveling to Singapore twice a month just to visit his son and regardless of how long he has to wait at the petrol station, he said that it’s worth it as long as he gets to see his son.

Source: 8 World News
“My mother who is 90 had passed away few months back and she told me that she only wanted to see Chun Yin be released from prison”, he said as he recalled his mother’s last words.
Mr. Cheong shared that his mother had asked for him to fetch her to the prison so she could visit Chun Yin but unfortunately, she passed before he could fulfill her wishes.
Former death sentence to life imprisonment
Mr. Cheong’s eldest son, Cheong Chun Yin, was arrested back in 2008 after Singaporean authorities discovered traces of Heroin. Chun Yin, who is 24 at the time had agreed to help his friend with a job for a bounty of RM8,000 and throughout the course of his trial, Chun Yin maintained his statement saying that he didn’t know that there was Heroin in the goods that he was asked to help deliver. Unfortunately, this decision of his to help his friend had thoroughly changed his life forever and despite his multiple appeals to court, Chun Yin was eventually sentence to a death penalty in 2010.
Subsequently, as the law has allowed for drug convicts to be sentenced to life sentence, Chun Yin applied for re-sentencing which led him to be removed from the death row and instead received life imprisonment with 15 strokes of cane in April 2015. In hopes of helping Chun Yin, Mr. Cheong then sold all 3 of his houses he bought to pay for the lawyer fees but to his dismay, the fate of his son remains unchanged.

Source: 8 World News
However, there seems to be a glimmer of hope, given that it has been 15 years since Chun Yin was sentenced to prison. According to CNA, an offender in Singapore who has been sentenced to life imprisonment and has served 20 years in jail can be reviewed for remission by the Minister of Home Affairs. As Chun Yin was locked up back in 2008, he would reach the 20-year mark by 2028, allowing him a chance for remission.
Throughout the decade that he has been traveling to Singapore, Mr. Cheong has become acquainted with one of the employees from the petrol station and witnessing physical changes nearby the Changi prison. Despite Chun Yin’s plea for him to stop visiting him fearing for his safety, he was persistent in visiting him twice a month regardless of the challenges he has to face when heading over.
“I miss him, and I just want to see him”, he said.
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