Ahead of the Hari Raya Festivities, Malaysians across the country will be entering a period of fasting while observing the Holy Month of Ramadan, which officially began today (March 23rd). This typically involves partaking in an early morning meal known as sahur before prayers, followed by a day-long fast that will last until iftar during sundown.
Given the fact that Malaysia is home to people of all races and religions, the period of Ramadan also means practicing a sense of mutual respect and consideration between those who are fasting, and those who are not. In many cases, non-Muslims will make an effort to avoid eating or drinking around their Muslim friends for that reason.
M’sian shares message on mutual tolerance & respect during Ramadan
And where that is concerned, one local netizen has warmed the hearts of many online after sharing a particularly heartfelt message about the fasting month. Taking to his Twitter account two days ago, Mr Shukri Saleh pointed out to his non-Muslim friends that it is not an issue in his eyes if they wished to eat or drink in-front of him, despite the fact that he will be fasting himself.
“Hello non-muslim friends. You can eat and drink in front of me while I’m fasting.
It’s not wrong, it’s not an issue. It’s not disrespectful for us.” he pointed out.

However, he jokingly adds that he cannot say the same for those who decide to enjoy a Kenny Hills Bakers’ Peach Strudel. Beyond that, he also took the opportunity to explain that he was prompted to share his Tweet after noticing that some of his friends have taken to eating in hiding for his sake.
“For some bitter people, I’m not giving permission to anyone. I’m just saying (and joking) because some of my friends are eating in hiding out of respect. No, you don’t need to do that.
Tak pernah hidup dengan kaum lain ke? [Haven’t you lived with other races before?]”
Many share their support
His Tweet has since gained the support of many other Muslims who are fasting during the month of Ramadan, who agree that there is no need for non-Muslims to hide when having their meals.

“Fasting isn’t just committed by Muslims, but as well as non-Muslims too. Either way, we don’t feel affected by food being placed in-front of us, or by people who choose to eat in-front of us.”

In speaking with Wau Post, Shukri spoke further on the spirit of togetherness and unity in Malaysia.
“We live in a multi-racial country, so tolerance and respect is important, but we need to put ourselves in our friends’ shoes as well to understand each other’s practices and all.”
However, he stresses that he was not trying to ‘grant permission’, as many have claimed he was doing, but to rather assure his non-Muslim friends that it was not an offense nor a big deal if they choose to eat in-front of him during the fasting month.
“In fact they don’t need our permission at all.”
Cheekily, Shukri said he even managed to get a free Peach Strudel pastry from Kenny Hills Bakers after his Tweet had gone viral.
So much so in fact, that even Muar MP Syed Saddiq took to responding to the Tweet with his own take!
Hello non-muslim friends.
You can eat and drink in front of me while I’m fasting.It’s not wrong, it’s not an issue. It’s not disrespectful for us.
Unless you’re eating KFC’s snack plate in front of my face, then its an issue for me. 😂 https://t.co/VJ86o8MOSl
— Syed Saddiq (@SyedSaddiq) March 22, 2023
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