As we enter our third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us Malaysians are now no doubt accustomed with the reality of living alongside the MySejahtera app. Introduced as part of Malaysia’s COVID-19 response efforts, the application was initially developed as a means to improve contact tracing among those who have tested positive for the virus, but has since come to include a wealth of other relevant features as well.
MySejahtera now requires users to submit photo proof when reporting home test results
And among the newest features to be included as part of the latest MySejahtera update includes the ability to send photos of your test kit results to the application’s database, as proof of your COVID-19 status. Previously, the app would only require individuals to answer a short questionnaire to report on their current health condition, and if they were suffering from any COVID-related symptoms.

Once you have had your MySejahtera application updated, you will be able to tap into the ‘COVID-19 Self Test’ icon, before selecting ‘Update COVID-19 Result’ to begin the self-reporting process.

This time, all you will need to do is simply fill up the form from right within MySejahtera’s app interface and as you scroll further down, you will also be able to upload a photo of your home test-kit result for reference. Once you hit submit, you’re all done! MySejahtera will automatically update your COVID-19 status. The feature comes as a much-needed convenience as Malaysia prepares to enter the endemic stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, with Health Minister YB Khairy Jamaluddin hinting at the possibility that close-contacts identified from within the general public may no longer be required to undergo quarantine.
Fully-vaccinated and boosted close contacts only need to isolate for 7 days upon testing COVID-positive
However for the time being, Malaysians who have been found to be close-contacts of COVID-19 positive individuals are still required to undergo a 5-day quarantine, if they have been fully-vaccinated and boosted. For those who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are fully-vaccinated as well as boosted, they will only need to spend 7 days in isolation.

Similarly, the government has also announced that the purchase of home test-kits will also entitle all Malaysians to an income tax relief of up to RM1,000, making them all the more affordable. So if you’re planning to meet with friends or attend an event, be sure to obtain a test-kit to check on your health status. The same applies for those who are suffering from common symptoms of COVID-19, which can include a sore throat, fever, coughing, or a flu.
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