M’sian waiter wears a “sorry I’m OKU” tag as he was often scolded by customers for making mistakes

Having to live with impairments or disabilities is never easy. With that said, people are generally encouraged to show kindness, especially towards them, who have it more difficult that someone who is completely healthy. Just recently, a Malaysian man has shared his experience working as a waiter, with disabilities.

M’sian waiter wears a “sorry I’m OKU” tag as he was often scolded by customers for making mistakes

Speaking to local daily, NST, Che Mohd Fadil Che Abdul Rahman is a 42-year-old man with disabilities, working as a waiter at a local eatery. While it may be normal for waiters to wear name tags, displaying their name, Fadil has no choice but to wear a tag that says,

“Maaf, saya OKU”, translating to “sorry, I’m OKU”.

Fadil works as a waiter for over 8 years. Source: NST
Fadil works as a waiter for over 8 years.
Source: NST

Revealing his challenges, Fadil said that he has to wear that tag as a form of protection, hoping that customers who patronize the store would offer him some compassion and grace.

“I would make mistakes when taking orders and this has led a handful of customers to be unhappy”, he mentioned, adding that he was often mocked and scolded for his wrongdoings.

8 years through and still soldering on!

However, the need for the tag became significant when Fadil was involved in a physical assault with one of the customers. From then on Fadil made sure he has a tag on, to avoid any conflicts. Thankfully, with the tag, Fadil’s work has become much more smooth sailing. Working at his current restaurant for over 8 years, Fadil shared that he worked as a security guard in a logistics company prior to this.

“After my contract expired, I looked for other jobs and stumbled upon this eatery”, he said.

Fadil on duty. Source: Berita Harian
Fadil on duty.
Source: Berita Harian

Recalling his first job in the food and beverages industry, the man worked as a dish washer, before eventually moving to a more customer-front position. Speaking to Fadil’s employer, Wan Marnizena Najib, she commended Fadil for his hardwork and determination.

“He is very hardworking, and I acknowledge all his hard work, but I understand that he gets stressed out when he is overwhelmed, which leads to mistakes”, she said.

Despite the challenges faced, Fadil continues to soldier on, and his determination and resilience has truly inspired many people. Thank you for being the perfect example, Fadil, all the best in your future endeavours! 

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Also read: Filial 17yo M’sian helps his deaf parents by explaining what he hears through sign language

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