Chances are if you have a family pet at home, it would never be left wanting for anything. After all, we tend to make it a habit out of spoiling our little fur babies to the point of excess, whether it be with treats off our own plates or cuddles. But not all animals are quite nearly as fortunate to enjoy the comforts of a warm home and a full tummy. For stray dogs or cats, surviving every new day is a challenge in itself, and many depend on the kindness of humans to get by.
M’sian man befriends & feeds stray dogs at Kedah airport
And it is by merit of one Malaysian man’s compassion and generosity that has kept a small group of stray doggies from going hungry. In a series of heartwarming videos uploaded by TikTok user @faiz.aizif, he shares how he would often make trips out the Pantai Hujung Airport in Kedah, in order to feed the strays who frequent the vicinity with bags of kibble.
In one video, he expresses his regret at arriving a little than he usually would to feed the dogs. It would appear that Faiz has been feeding them often enough that the animals have come to familiarise themselves with the sound of his motorbike approaching, and would rush out to welcome him through a small hole created through a wire fence.
“When we get to know them, we won’t fear them. Conversely, they wouldn’t fear us either.” he said.
And indeed, the dogs don’t appear to be afraid or hostile around Faiz, but would wait as he pours the kibble down into a straight line on the gravel for them to eat.
“When we tell them to eat, they’re very orderly. They seem to know that we are here to feed them, so they just line up.”
Has befriended the animals through his kindness
A subsequent video shows him making another trip to the very same spot to feed the dogs, but this time Faiz came prepared with 10 plastic containers to pour the kibble into. And to ensure that the dogs don’t go thirsty, he even brought them a bottle of water for good measure.
“But we noticed that the dogs don’t actually like eating from the containers. Instead, they would only eat the food when it’s scattered on the ground.
So I cut open one of the bags and laid it in the open, before pouring the kibble out to feed them with.”
But as he had to head to Alor Setar the next day, Faiz hoped that somebody else would be open to taking up the job of feeding these strays while he was gone. An avid animal lover, other videos on his profile show him feeding all manner of animals, including monkeys.
His clips have since earned him high praise from netizens, many of whom commended him for his kindness.

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