Kind M’sian man buys all the vegetables from an aunty and asks her to give the rest for free, many touched by his generosity

When you have a little more on your hands than most, what would you do with it? One man showed us one way to do it, that is by passing it along to an aunty in need!

Kind M’sian man buys all the vegetables from an aunty and asks her to give the rest for free

The aunty sells homegrown vegetables by the roadside. Source: Melto Dalton (TikTok)

All it takes to make someone’s day is through a simple act of charity, no matter how big or small. TikTok user Melto Dalton recently stopped by a stall run by an elderly woman.

While waiting, Melto began to chat with the old lady, and asked her about her business. The woman replied that she was selling vegetables grown straight from her garden. Usually, she sells them for RM2 per bunch, but grants a RM1 discount if customers would like to opt for 3.

Melto inquired the lady about her business. Source: Melto Dalton (TikTok)

The aunty further explained that she sells her vegetables only once she harvests them. “All my vegetables here are sold fresh,” she said. When asked, it was revealed that she would not leave until all her items were sold, occasionally staying up until dark.

“Why do you want to do this?”

“I want to understand why you would do something like this.” Source: Melto Dalton (TikTok)

Upon hearing all this, Melto proposed a bargain; he would buy all the vegetables right there and then. Shocked, the woman questioned Melton why he would do such a thing.

Altogether, the vegetables cost RM34, but the woman offered to sell it to Melto at RM28. However, he then handed her a RM50 note. As she rushed to give him his change, Melto politely turned it down.

“It’s okay aunty, when the next customer comes along, just give it to them for free,” he insisted. Obviously taken aback, she was speechless by his actions, before realizing that she had no choice but to accept. “Do come back again next time,” she told him warmly, before Melto departed in his car. Seeing this, viewers were touched by Melto’s kindness and applauded his charitable deed.

Netizens commend his actions in using his finances towards others. Source: Melto Dalton (TikTok)
“It might seem like a trivial thing, but it’s a big gesture for her. Hope that God will always be there for the kind souls that help the needy. Source: Melto Dalton (TikTok)
Netizens praise Melto for setting a good example. Source: Melto Dalton (TikTok)

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Also read: M’sian delivery rider receives money packet & drink from kind man despite arriving at the wrong house

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