Wedding receptions are typically pretty lavish affairs, with many newlywedded couples willing to go to some considerable lengths and spend quite a pretty penny to ensure that they will become truly indelible moments to mark the occasion of a lifetime. And in some cases, they can even become powerful displays of unity among Malaysians, with one Malay couple recently seen walking down the aisle clad in the rich splendour of traditional Chinese garments, accompanied by a lion dance performance.
M’sian Chinese couple celebrate their wedding in Malay kenduri style
Similarly in the case of another couple, they have decided to turn expectations on their heads and mark their union with a distinctive twist of their own by hosting their wedding banquet in a rather unique fashion. As uploaded by netizen nasuha.aynaa over the popular video sharing platform TikTok, a clip shows her attendance at the event, which appears to be a Malay kenduri held in a Johor Chinese school’s field under opulently decorated wedding canopies.
While many would have been led to believe that the banquet was held for a Malay couple, Nasusha would then reveal that the newlyweds were in-fact Chinese! From the raised dais of the pelamin on stage to the bright sparkle of bunga manggar adorning the entrance leading into the wedding canopies, no expense was spared to ensure that the banquet would look anything short of festive.
Similarly, the newlyweds had opted to serve a variety of mouthwatering Malay dishes at the banquet as well, such as murtabak, grilled lamb, satay, and cendol, to name just a few.
Traditional Malay dances were also incorporated into their banquet
What’s more, they had even invited a traditional silat troupe to perform at their wedding, before they themselves were ushered in by kuda kepang dancers flanking both sides. This was in addition to a zapin Johor dance performance. Even the bride’s family appeared to join in on the theme, dressed in traditional baju Melayu and baju Kebaya for the occasion.
Needless to say, the wedding has been widely praised by netizens, many of whom commended the couple for their show of unity and harmony in Malaysia.
“Congratulations to the newlyweds! They look beautiful together. And the wedding banquet looked neat and lively too. Great work!”

“I am so impressed with this Chinese family!”

“I love to see such displays of harmony like this.”

“They must have a lot of good Malay friends. I love kenduris like these.”

“I don’t think I’ve seen Chinese people do this. Great!”

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