Kindness is definitely a quality that everyone should practice, not only to others but to animals as well. In a recent heartwarming display of kindness, a Malaysian couple has gone viral for feeding the strays every other day.
Kind M’sian couple cooks & feed strays every other day
Speaking to Wau Post, Viishaan shared that he always had a soft spot for animals. Taking care of plenty animals for himself, the man shared that he has 5 sugar gliders, 3 hamsters, bearded dragons, 3 gecko, turtles, many fishes and two dogs. As he was heading home one day, he stumbled across a few strays.
“They looked frail and unfed”, he said.

Source: Viishaan (Instagram)
As he arrived home, the thought of the strays going about their day unfed was at the back of his mind. Deciding to take action, he and his wife then started preparing meals for the dogs. Sharing some footages of them feeding the strays, it’s apparent that Viishaan and his wife enjoy doing this.
When asked what they usually prepare for the strays, he mentioned that his wife would usually cook rice with turmeric, carrots, pumpkins, chicken liver, heart, feet and meat.
“We want to make sure that it’s nutritious for the strays as well”, he mentioned.

Source: Viishaan (Instagram)
After cooking the food, the pair would then drive around their housing area, within 2 to 3 km away and feed strays that they see by the roadside. Feeding the stray every alternate day, Viishaan explained that there are times where they wouldn’t be able to make it to feed them due to the weather.
However, the pair would make it up by feeding the strays as frequent as they can. Developing a sense of trust, the strays that stop by to eat their food are also rather friendly.
What a noble and kind gesture! Thank you for feeding and caring for the strays!
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Also read: M’sian police officer rescues stray puppy that fell into the drain, wins praises online