Living with impairments can often be challenging as it may require twice the effort to complete s task. With that said, educating a young child with hearing impairments is definitely tough. Thankfully, with the help of sign language, this teen is able to take care of his parents as he started growing up.
Filial 17yo M’sian helps his deaf parents by explaining what he hears through sign language
Watching the video for ourselves, @nabilnazrol was seen attending an Islamic talk with his parents at a stadium in Melaka. Understanding that his parents are deaf, he took the liberty to interpret what he hears by using sign language, effectively communicating with his parents. While the video was only a 16 second clip, it was enough to showcase the love he has for his parents.
Speaking to Wau Post, the filial teen shared that he has been learning sign language at young age of 2, due to the fact that he is a child of deaf adults (CODA).
“With the help of my parents, I was able to learn sign language when I was 2 or 3 years old”, he revealed.
Being the only one in their little family with the gift of hearing, Nabil mentioned that he would always have to be with his parents because he needs to help them communicate with the public when necessary.
“They need my help as it is difficult for people to communicate and understand them”, he said.
However, despite the challenges faced, the filial teen is happy that he is able to help ease things for his parents. Posting the video online, Nabil didn’t expect many people to take note of his video and is touched to have receive so much support and encouragement from the public.
Truly a filial child who would take care of his parents’ wellbeing. Keep up the good work, Nabil!
Watch the video below:
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Also read: M’sian fireman impresses netizens by communicating with carnival visitors using sign language