For those of us who have had the opportunity to attend Chinese wedding reception dinners, you may no doubt be familiar with the traditional custom of offering the lucky couple what is known as a lai see (利是), or a red-packet containing money at the wedding registry. However, how much money you should pack in your lai see is often debated, but many would agree that it typically depends on how much the wedding dinner costs, and your general proximity to the bride and groom.
M’sian ‘advises’ wedding guests not to attend receptions if they can’t afford to give angpows
With that being said, one netizen has recently taken it upon himself to dispense a ‘helpful’ piece of advice to prospective wedding guests over the matter. As shared to community Facebook page KL娱乐站, a local Malaysian explained that he had recently attended his cousin’s wedding reception, and notes that he had spent RM2,200 for each table, without alcohol.

In spite of that, many guests who attended the wedding ‘only’ offered the couple RM150 to RM180 worth of lai see, much to his surprise. Pointing out that the cost of pretty much everything has increased as of late, he goes on to suggest that wedding guests should be perceptive enough to offer more by means of red packets.
“If you can’t afford to give RM300 and above, then don’t accept wedding invitations. Don’t cause the couple to lose money.” he said.
Immediately gets roasted by netizens
That piece of advice has since appeared to have backfired spectacularly on him, with many netizens pointing out that couples shouldn’t have lavish banquet dinners, only to expect their guests to pay for them by means of their angpows. They also point out how this turns wedding receptions into transactional affairs.
“People who can afford to host a banquet dinner don’t expect their guests to pay for it with their angpows.”

“If your cousin doesn’t have the financial ability to afford it, then tell him not to host a reception dinner. Guests are visitors, and how much they choose to pack in their lai see is a personal choice. Hello, please bring your brain with you when you speak.”

“You’re the one who invited me. If I do decide to give you a red packet, that should be considered a token of appreciation, not duty. And you still want to earn from that?”

“If you can’t afford to host a reception dinner, then don’t. You’ll lose respect for treating your wedding like a transactional affair.”

“People like you really are the worst. Talking bad about others who could only afford to give RM150 to RM180 in red packets, well how much did your mother gift the couple? RM5,000? If your cousin doesn’t have the ability to host a reception, then just tell him to cook up two dishes and eat at home. How shameful.”

What are your thoughts on this?
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