Learning how to read the colours on a traffic light have formed a sizeable chunk of many formative childhood memories for a good number of people. Green means go, yellow means be prepared to stop, and red naturally means stop. And yet with that being said, the manner by which some motorists speed past intersections without a care seem to indicate that they are oblivious to this rather elementary premise.
M’sian netizen shocked to see motorists ignoring red light at pedestrian crossing
In a video that was shared by local Facebook netizen and doctor Hijaz Ridzwan, he recounts how both he and his family had decided to take a stroll around the city on foot after leaving their hotel to head towards KLCC. And while this would have otherwise amounted to a leisurely stroll, things took a rather harrowing turn when the family were waiting for a traffic light to turn red at a pedestrian crossing.
Understandably, one would expect that oncoming vehicles would eventually come to a stop, or be prepared to do so, when coming up to a pedestrian crossing. And yet to the shock of Ridzwan’s family, multiple motorcycles and cars could be seen speeding across the road in spite of the fact that the traffic lights had turned red, indicating for them to stop.
“When we arrived at the pedestrian crossing, imagine how surprised we were to realise that none of the cars stopped to let us pass, even though the light had turned red.” he wrote.
Ridzwan adds that thankfully, his children didn’t think to run immediately across the street when the lights had changed, saving them from potential tragedy. He adds that at the time of the incident, they saw the lights change from green to red with their very own eyes, and denied any likelihood that the traffic light could have been out-of-service.
Netizens call for stricter enforcement of traffic laws
The video, which has since gone viral across local social media, has led to many netizens deriding the motorists for running a red light and called for stricter enforcement of traffic laws.
“How heartless. They might as well not have a license at all if they can’t follow the rules. Don’t make life difficult for others, in case you ever wind up having to face the same problems you created.”

“This is what happens when they are not made to follow road rules as a habit! It’s so different from Singapore!
When driving up to a zebra crossing, they would automatically slow down and stop until it is completely clear of pedestrians or cyclists before moving on.”

“This isn’t a joke. This is serious. Bukit Aman Police Headquarters, please check all the vehicles that have ran a red light through CCTV. Please issue fines and suspend their licenses. Let those drivers involved face the court for trying to run down pedestrians. Make this go viral.”

As explained under Section 79 of the Road Transport Act (APJ) 1987, running a red light is a punishable offence in Malaysia which can result in a maximum compound fine of RM300 and a court fine not exceeding RM2,000 being issued to the guilty party.
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