Finding a place to call your own can be an almost insurmountable challenge when it comes down to striking a balance between affordability, space, and connectivity. In most cases, potential tenants have to wind up finding a compromise between all three aspects, especially in the case of price.
Inevitably, this has led to a rise in new and unorthodox living arrangements to spawn, with landlords now looking to maximise the profitability of their properties by partitioning smaller rooms to be rented out.
Room rental listing in Shah Alam sparks debate online
One such listing recently appeared online and has sparked debate among netizens over the current housing crisis faced by many working-class Malaysians. According to local newspaper China Press, the newly vacant ‘room’ is now available for rent for a sum of RM600 per month.
Located in Menara U2 near the MSU University campus in Shah Alam, accompanying pictures show an incredibly narrow space that appears to have been hastily converted into a private abode, with just enough space to fit a super-single bed as well as a what appears to be a small table on the other end.
But if you’re claustrophobic, have no fear as the room also features a sliding glass door, with access to a balcony for some air and views of the surrounding neighbourhood!
Jokes aside, it is clear that this ‘shoe-box’ room barely has much space, if any at all for an individual to do much else in beyond falling asleep. A separate listing for the same room asks for RM700 in rent per month.

Source: China Press
In the second listing, the realtor reveals that the apartment will also feature amenities such as high-speed internet, a water dispenser, access to a washing machine, as well as housekeeping services in the common area. What’s more, the apartment is also conveniently located near to a number of eateries, and provides great access to other parts of town via a number of highways.
Naturally, many netizens have been left incredulous over the asking price for the diminutive living space. Others have raised obvious concerns for the safety of those living in the apartment, especially during instances of emergencies such as a fire.
“The most I’d pay for the room is RM300.”

Source: China Press
“I remember about 40 years ago, my sister rented a room in KL, the room is actually a kitchen because the used the gas cooker tabletop as bed frame.”

Source: China Press
“When it gets too hot, the room doubles up as a sauna room.”

“This isn’t something new, there are apartments with 3 rooms, but they’ll partition it out into 4-5 rooms to rent. Plenty of the agents would also rent the entire house and then rent it to someone else.”

“I’ve seen a few in Puchong, the room is about the same just slightly bigger and they use about RM1,000.”

“I would rent the whole apartment for about RM2,000 and have 4 people stay in 3 rooms, then they would only have to pay RM500 per month.”

“I think the government should look into this and take action against inhumane house owners.”

What are your thoughts on the matter?
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Also read: M’sian shows what RM40/night looks like in a dorm near KLCC with 10 beds squeezed into one room