Food is arguably an incredibly subjective matter that varies from individual to individual. After all as the old adage would go, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. Given that fact, it’s always a good idea to practice the art of compromise when dining out with friends or family in a group setting, so that everyone has a fair chance to enjoy what they like to eat, whether it be fine dining or hawker fare.
This however, was far from the case for one annonymous netizen who recently took to sharing her experience of having lunch with a new colleague who just joined their company not too long ago.
Local woman insists on only eating in cafes
Airing her grouses on the MamaClub Facebook page, she explained that their group decided to invite their new hire, whom she describes as a beautiful young woman, to come along with them for lunch as it was her first day.

Typically, the netizen explains that they would head to a nearby hawker centre to eat as the prices are more affordable and there were more options for everyone.
“But she suggested that she wanted to eat a café, so we agreed as it was her first day on the job.”
While the netizen admits that the food at the café was good, it came at a very steep price. Subsequently, her new colleague would insist on joining them for lunch together but always made a point of asking to eat a café instead, as she said she was not accustomed to eating hawker food.
“As she was a newbie, we reluctantly agreed to go all throughout the first week. But after the second week, she still kept up the same pattern.
When we couldn’t bear eating at a café anymore, we made the decision to go to the hawker centre as a group.”
Found hawker food to be disgusting
Outnumbered and left with no choice, their new colleague begrudgingly followed them to the hawker centre. However upon arrival, she wasn’t shy to make her distaste known.
“She kept making ‘Ew, ew, ew…’ noises when she sat down, and didn’t stop complaining.”
Whether it be in terms of décor, the tables and chairs used, to the hygiene of the waiters there, it was all panned by the young woman. Hoping to make the experience better for her, the netizen then suggested that she order from her favourite tomyam noodle stall.
Hesitantly, she agreed and they both ordered the same thing to eat.
“When the food arrived, she took one mouthful and said ‘Ew… is this even meant for humans to eat?’
Every mouthful she ate, she made a noise of disgust. She even made it look like she wanted to throw up!”

Understandably, her new colleague’s expressions ruined the dining experience for the netizen, who then vowed with the rest of her group never to have lunch with the young woman again.
“I can’t believe how severe her Princess Syndrome is. She never once cared about our feelings. We unanimously decided not to ask her out for lunch next time.”
“Leave hawker food to peasants like us to enjoy. She can go and have her expensive café food.” she said.
The post, which has since gone viral, has attracted the attention of netizens, many of whom panned the young woman for her lack of compromise and respect to her colleagues.
“She doesn’t know how good local food is.”

“If men act like this, would we say he suffers from Prince Syndrome? If a guy went ‘Ew’ like that, I would have given him a tight slap in the face. Thankfully she’s a woman. She even managed to get her colleague to help her order a bowl of tomyam noodles with her ‘Ews’. She’s lucky the hawker didn’t yell at her.:

However, some took a more sympathetic ear.

“Actually, I don’t blame her. As I used to also have a friend whose mother runs her own business. They’re not considered wealthy, but upper-middle classed.
Her mother has never once eaten in a mamak stall all her life. These people really do exist, whether if its because they were brought up this way by their family background or other reasons. I can understand that.”
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