Boss baby: M’sian toddler imitates parents selling durian at their stall, netizens cheer

As durian season is making a comeback in Malaysia, plenty of fruit stalls have begun selling them. Just recently, the action of a toddler has caught the attention of many, as he imitates his parents selling durian!

M’sian toddler imitates parents selling durian at their stall

According to a video posted by @syfkrzff TikTok, she shared a short video of her son, Luth Arman at their fruit stall. For many Malaysians, it’s a common scene to see vendors shouting about the goods they’re selling to attract attention. However, this little boy has successfully caught the attention of others.

Speaking to Wau Post, Luth Arman’s mother shared that her son had requested to ‘man the counter’, helping them take care of their humble fruit stall. Seeing that it wasn’t busy, she decided to let him try out by propping him onto a chair and allowing him to hold a durian. As soon as he got a hold of the durian, he began shouting,

“Durian, durian, durian!”

Boss baby at work selling durian! Source: syfkrzff (TikTok)
Boss baby at work selling durian!
Source: syfkrzff (TikTok)

And true enough his enthusiastic behavior has caught the attention of some passersby, grinning at the whole situation. To top things off, the Luth Arman would even tap on the durian with his hands, imitating his parents’ work. Sharing with Wau Post, the mother to the adorable child mentioned that her child is actually a fan of durians.

“We began this stall back in 2008, but it’s just recently that we’ve decided to sell durians. Personally, both Luth Arman and I love eating durian, but his father, not so much”, she said.

Boss baby at work selling durian! Source: syfkrzff (TikTok)
Boss baby at work selling durian!
Source: syfkrzff (TikTok)

When asked about her feelings when the video went viral, the woman revealed that it didn’t even cross her mind that the video would be picked up by the netizens. Expressing further she mentioned,

“I posted it because it was a precious memory to me, I didn’t expect for other people to find it interesting. And for that, I’m so thankful!”

As the video takes off on TikTok, many netizens have commented on it and here’s what some of them said:

“An immediate buy.” 

Netizens commenting on the video, Source: sykfrzff (TikTok)
Netizens commenting on the video,
Source: sykfrzff (TikTok)

“So cute! He’s so young and already wants to help his mom sell durians or the rain.”

Netizens commenting on the video, Source: sykfrzff (TikTok)
Netizens commenting on the video,
Source: sykfrzff (TikTok)

“Such a hard worker, having to work so he could pay his school fees.” 

Netizens commenting on the video, Source: sykfrzff (TikTok)
Netizens commenting on the video,
Source: sykfrzff (TikTok)

If you’ve found the video adorable and would like to see the little durian seller in action, feel free to drop by at their located in Taman Arked, Sungai Petani Selatan from 8am to 9pm!

Well done little boy! You’ve definitely caught the attention of many! 

Watch the video below:

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Also read: Selangor durian seller adopts Menu Rahmah concept, sells durians for RM4.99 a pack so everyone can afford to enjoy

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