Ex-staff returns money he took from the cash register, kindhearted M’sian boss forgives him for his wrongdoings

Ex-staff returns money he took from the cash register, kindhearted M'sian boss forgives him for his wrongdoings. Source: Shahhul Hamed Sanudin (Facebook)
Ex-staff returns money he took from the cash register, kindhearted M’sian boss forgives him for his wrongdoings. Source: Shahhul Hamed Sanudin (Facebook)

As humans, it’s inevitable for us to make mistakes, but as long as we are aware of our wrongdoings and have the willingness to work towards being better, redemption is definitely possible. Just recently a kindhearted boss has shared a touching story onto his socials, regarding an ex-staff of his.

Kindhearted boss forgives ex-employee who stole money from his cash register

In his post, Mr. Shahhul shared that he received a letter along with some money. The letter revealed that it came from an ex-employee of his and he has admitted his wrongdoings to him.

“Assalamulaikum to my previous boss. I used to work here, and I’ve taken some money out of the cash register”, wrote the ex-employee. He then continued on in his letter, saying that he is now returning the money he took from the cash register and apologised for his wrong doings.

Ex-employee returning money he stole. Source: Shanul Hamed Sanudin (Facebook)
Ex-employee returning money he stole.
Source: Shahhul Hamed Sanudin (Facebook)

Upon receiving his letter, Mr. Shahhul was not mad, but instead he decided to forgive him for his wrongdoings in the past. He then expressed how amazed he was with his ex-employee as he believes that not many people out there would be willing to own up to their own mistakes.

Following the post, a current employee of his has sent a message to him mentioning that another staff of his has stopped by to return some money. Seeing that his ex-employees are returning money that they took without his knowledge, he wrote in a separate post, saying that he isn’t mad for their wrongdoings and fully forgives them for their shortcomings.

Another ex-employee came forward and owned up to their mistake. Source: Shahnul Hamed Sanudin (Facebook)
Another ex-employee came forward and owned up to their mistake.
Source: Shahhul Hamed Sanudin (Facebook)

“I won’t blame you even if you are unable to return the money to me”, he said, adding that one should not repeat or commit the same act again.

Thank you for being so kind, Mr. Shahhul, we’re glad to see that you ex-employees are slowly owning up to their mistakes in the past and trying to make things right.

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Also read: Kindhearted M’sian operates a burger stall in Sunway so she can fund her animal shelter in Semenyih

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